I am touched by the responses I’ve received (from both present and former students) to my last post, which described my challenges with teaching about an unfamiliar topic. Your kind words have touched my heart. My intent in posting that reflection was to ensure my blog reflects reality. There are many highs that come from teaching — indeed I love teaching people about psychology. But it certainly has its challenges. Again, thanks for for your compassion, and I look forward to our next class!
clickers conferences courage course design creative thinking critical thinking CWSEI excitement fail goals gratitude high expectations Humility interactive engagement Intro learning assessments learning objectives media motivation my wonderful students novice-expert online teaching pandemic paradigm shift peer assessment peer review personal experiences pottery Psyc 208 renewal research methods SoTL statistics student evaluations of teaching study tips summer syllabus TA Development teaching philosophy textbook the big picture to-do list ToP two-stage exams writingMeta