Author Archives: Allan Z

The Resurrection of the Antibiotic?


Antibiotics are bacteria-killing drugs that either inhibit the growth of bacterial cell walls (the protective wall surrounding the bacteria) or stop bacteria from replicating by manipulating bacterial DNA. Evidence of the use of antibiotics such as tetracycline

tetracycline, Source: wikimedia commons

tetracycline, Source: Wikimedia Commons

have been found in fossils dating back to 350 Common Era and has since evolved alongside human technology to become more effective and accessible to the everyday consumer. Common uses of antibiotics include disinfecting wounds, mediating safe child birth and curing food poisoning. Using antibiotics, countless lives have been saved in human history especially in major historical events such as World War II. The following link demonstrates the effects of the drug Penicillin on the outcome of World War II which was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 (

Bacteria vs. Antibiotic?

But, antibiotics are double-edged swords. Bacteria has been slowly adapting to various antibiotics and evolved so that some antibiotics are no longer effective. This is due to mainly two reasons:

  1. People have been misusing and overusing antibiotics for the last couple of decades which allowed bacteria to have an easier time adapting and building resistance to the antibiotics.
  2. Bacteria is a very flexible life from in the aspect that it adapts quickly and have quick mutation cycles.

Dangerous cases have resulted where Super Bugs which are bacteria resistant to antibiotics have started to grow in hospitals infecting patients receiving various treatments. These cases have often resulted in mortality in these patients. The following illustration demonstrates the quick adaptability of a bacteria cell to an antibiotic.


Bacteria/ Antibiotics, Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Battle is Won?

The information presented above must be shocking to some but rest assured because scientists believe that they have found an antibiotic that does not induce bacterial resistance. Teixobactin

Teixobactin, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Teixobactin, Source: Wikimedia Commons

discovered  earlier last year appears to successfully combat the development of bacterial resistance. The key in why this antibiotic is so effective in prohibiting bacterial resistance is the fact that it is able to inhibit bacterial growth in two methods as opposed to the normal one method attack of alternative antibiotics. Teixobactin prohibits the formation of both lipid II and lipid III in a bacteria which are detrimental in the formation of bacteria cells walls. Even if the bacteria is able to adapt by restoring the ability to produce of one of these lipids, the other lipid would still be inhibited.

The following is a YouTube video provided by Newsy Science which outlines the basics of what this new antibiotic can do and the mechanism behind it.

Hopefully, this new antibiotic marks the oncoming of a new age of drug use where antibiotic will no longer induce bacterial resistance.

By: Ming Lun (Allan) Zhu


Nanotechnology: The Cure for Cancer?

What is Cancer (disease)?

Cancer is a very well known disease plaguing human society for the last century. It is characterized by abnormally rapid cell division often accompanied by tumor growth; the type of tumor mainly being malignant to be more precise. It is

Cigarette, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Cigarette, Source: Wikimedia Commons

known to sprout from sources known as carcinogen (such as ultraviolet radiation and smoking cigarettes) as well as genetic dispositions.


Current Treatment

Current treatments are quite limited and do not have an 100% success rate since there are so many mutations and varieties in cancer. Treatments such as chemotherapy often have lasting side effects. Additionally, there is a likelihood that cancerous cells are not completely eradicated and may resurface in years to come.

The following is the background behind chemotherapy and the effects it has on the human body provided by Dnews on YouTube.

What the Future Holds?

What scientists are trying to obtain is a sustainable as well as safe method of treating cancer. Scientists are looking into stem cell research, protein inhibition (protein Kinase inhibition) and artificial intelligence as potential methods. But, perhaps one of the most promising of the potential treatments is nanotechnology.

*Credit to for providing these different potential treatment methods.*

Nanotechnology and Cancer Treatment

Nanoparticles are as small as cell organelles with great flexibility when it

Mesoporous silica, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Mesoporous silica, Source: Wikimedia Commons

comes to shape, size and composition. Research by scientists have found a mesoporous silicon nano particle that is able to encase azobenzene molecules within its membrane pores as well as carry different sized substrates inside the particle itself.  It is important to note the fact that azobenzene switches its orientation/ configuration (cis/trans) when exposed to light and its size changes when going from cis to trans. This  means that the permeability of the silica nanoparticle can be regulated by the azobenzene molecular configuration.  Small pellets of anti-cancer drugs can be inserted into the silica nanoparticles and injected into the human body. With controlled light exposure and intensity, the size of azobenzene changes releasing the substrate into the cancer cell targeting either just the cancerous components or the entire cell.  The following video uploaded by FGRGAnimation made by Frank Gu from the University of Waterloo outlines the process of osmosis and cell substrate concentration in regulating and controlling transport in a nanoparticle.

This process will be safe due to the high control levels in the real (in vivo) environment. We are able to selectively insert the amount of substrate into the nanoparticles to control concentration and light intensity. Thus, the correct dosage is always applied. Interestingly, the treatment  process can be both selective or general meaning scientists are able to use substrate specifically targeting cancerous components in a cell or the entire cancer cell.

Although the focus was on nanoparticles and nanotechnology, any of the the aforementioned 4 methods can be an important breakthrough in cancer treatments if proven experimentally successful.

Posted by Ming Lun (Allan) Zhu


Sewage Sludge, A Potential New Fertilizer?


The world’s population increases annually. With urban communities adapting to a more meat-based diet and competing for food supplies, agricultural demands are increasing exponentially. Rising agricultural demand results in the necessity for increased amount of high-quality fertilizers. Unfortunately, the main component of agricultural fertilizer is phosphorus: a dwindling non-renewable resource.

Red Phosphorus

Phosphorus, Source:Wikimedia Commons

If phosphorus was to deplete on a global basis (predicted to occur within the next 100 years), nations may succumb to pressure and resort to violence or isolationism to protect their own supply.


Before global conflict occurs, the world needs to find a new source of phosphorus that is both sustainable and renewable. Luckily, researchers believe they may have found a new source of phosphorus in sewage sludge.



Sewage Sludge, Source:Wikimedia Commons

Sewage sludge is the by-product of urban sewage waste produced after an incineration or combustion process. When dissolved in water, sewage sludge is a murky viscous material with floating small particles. Interestingly, sewage sludge has a diverse variety of micro-components where oxidized metals and semi-metals make up majority of the composition. The key fact to note is the high amount of oxidized Phosphorous contained within this substance.


In the past, sewage sludge has been dumped into the ocean, leaked into agricultural lands before proper processing or used in construction process such as the formation of concrete. However, a new study conducted by researcher Hannes Herzel on January 15, 2016 has shown a potential recovery of over 19, 000 tons of phosphorus annually within sewage sludge that is commercially and agriculturally reusable. But, it appears that researchers do not yet have an efficient way of extracting phosphorus from sewage sludge due to limited bio-availability. Furthermore, it is not cost efficient in a lab setting to completely remove all other heavy metals and contaminants inside of sewage sludge in order to isolate phosphorus. Coincidentally, a Russian waste purification company seems to have found the solution.

The following is a YouTube demonstration of contemporary Sewage Sludge treatment in Rusecotech kindly provided by: Daniil Andreev

After this treatment, the sewage sludge will be essentially free of dangerous heavy metals such Arsenic (As), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) and will also be detoxified. The resulting mixture will be safe to use as a fertilizer after further processing. In the words of Hannes Herzel, the treated product, “thus fulfill(s) the quality parameter for a P-fertilizer“.

Although the concept of reusing sewage sludge is still under development, the future of this technology is definitely promising in securing a reusable phosphorous source.

Posted By Ming Lun (Allan) Zhu