Author Archives: Parvin Pabla

Eco-friendly Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Recently we have been hearing a lot about hydrogen fuel cells and the possible applications where they can be used, specifically in automobiles, but what exactly are they and why are they considered eco-friendly?

A fuel cell is a device that is able to harness the energy stored in the chemical bonds of molecules. Hydrogen fuel cells, in particular, get this energy from the bonds in Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) gas. On one side of the cell, H2 is pumped in. On the other side of the cell O2 is pumped in. Separating these two sides are a proton permeable membrane. The function of this membrane is to allow protons to pass through while blocking the pathway of electrons, thus effectively harnessing this electrical energy.

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These cells are considered environmentally friendly because of the “waste” they produce. While most sources of power produce carbon dioxide gas (CO2) as a byproduct, hydrogen fuel cells produce water and excess O2 and H2. These products can be easily used as sources for other processes and are harmless if left in the environment. Further, the chemicals required for this process can be synthesized or collected very efficiently. O2 is readily available and attainable in the air we breathe. There are many pathways for H2 production. A very environmentally friendly way is through harnessing the H2 produced by microorganisms such as algae through biological processes. These processes of attaining fuel for energy production are very eco-friendly when compared with oil mining which is used to extract petroleum for energy on a large scale.

2014 Toyota FCV Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle

Hydrogen fuel cell concept car by Toyota via. flickrcommons

Overall, hydrogen fuel cells provide the world with a very environmentally friendly way to produce energy we use everyday. If we can begin to use this technology on a large scale to replace current methods, we can effectively decrease the amount of pollution we put into our environment everyday while still quenching our energy needs.

Author Parvin Pabla





From the Ocean to Our Faucets

With climate change being a very real problem in society, we are realizing that our freshwater resources are slowly diminishing. In the past, society has focused on recycling water and being mindful of our freshwater use. Although many of these solutions have been helpful, the problem is still evident; pretty soon there will not be enough clean drinking water to supply the world. This fear has began the push to find new technology to sustain clean drinking water. With the oceans containing about 97% of the water on earth, researchers are now finding ways to purify salt water. Conventional methods such as reverse osmosis to remove the salt in sea water have been used but they are found to be very expensive alternatives.

Drinking water availability is decreasing. Via wikimedia commons.

Up-and-coming research has found new technology that can revolutionize salt water purification. This new technology uses shock electrodialysis (ED) to desalinate, filter and disinfect sea water. Shock electrodialysis is a system in which salt water flows through a porous material in-between an anode (negatively charged) and a cathode (positively charged). The theory behind this process is that when a current runs through the system at high voltage, the salt ions as well as bacteria will be attracted to the anode side of the system and the freshwater will pass through the porous membrane to the cathode side. This process will effectively separate the purified water from salt and bacteria. After going through this process multiple times to ensure the water is clean, the purified water can be extracted and transported into reservoirs. This technology has been found to be fairly inexpensive and could possibly be used on a global scale to solve our drinking water shortage problem.

Map showing drinking water shortages. Via google images.

New technology like shock ED can not only solve our drinking water shortage but it can also be used to disinfect water to ensure it is safe and healthy to drink. Although society as a whole should be mindful of their water use, we know there is technology being produced that can keep the international community out of a crisis.

Author, Parvin Pabla

The Reality of Organic Food

We always see the sign in the produce section of our grocery stores: “organic”. Is it truly healthier than conventional produce? In recent years, the push to produce naturally grown foods has increased to boost the health of society as a whole. The term “organic” is thrown around to define foods grown with natural rather than synthetic pesticides and fertilizers but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a better alternative.

It is true that organic farms have 97% less synthetic pesticides than conventional farms, but that 3% is still there. This amount is brought to organic farms via wind transport and river runoff. Although synthetic pesticides are more spoken about, they aren’t the only potentially harmful compounds in our fruits and vegetables. Naturally, plants produce pesticides used to protect them from predators. These pesticides are found to be carcinogenic in rats and may be harmful to humans. Synthetic pesticides may actually reduce the production of the naturally occurring plant pesticides which leads to conventionally grown produce having lower levels of it than organic produce. Natural pesticides are found 10,000 times more than synthetic pesticides in both organic and inorganic foods. Moreover, the use of fertilizers in cultivation is essential in plant growth. Naturally occurring phosphate rock is used as a fertilizer in organic farming rather than synthetic fertilizers. The organic fertilizers actually contain more Cadmium, a known carcinogen, than synthetic fertilizers.

organic sticker

With all this research into how many synthetic vs organic compounds are used in the production of our food, it seems like either way, we re ingesting harmful chemicals every day.  Because the risks associated with synthetic pesticides have been more studied than organic pesticides, we are swayed into believing that organic foods are completely healthy. Without knowing the risks attached with organic pesticides and fertilizers, society does not know the full extent of the benefits and drawbacks of consuming organic foods. So before paying the extra couple of dollars for the foods with the organic label, it’s really worth your time to step back and think about what “organic” really means.

Author: Parvin Pabla