Category Archives: Biological Sciences

The Link Between Calcium Channel Insertion and Changing Secretion

Do you or someone you know suffer from diabetes? If so, you may know that this disease is a result of decreased insulin secretion from the pancreas. Decreased secretion of hormones like insulin may have detrimental effects on an individual. For this reason, researchers have conducted experiments in an attempt to understand how secretion works.

Dr. Christopher Groten, who is currently conducting research at the University of British Columbia, has found that the insertion of new additional calcium channels (Cav2) into the membrane of cells increases secretion of hormones. Specific to Dr. Groten’s research, the model organism Aplysia californica secretes a hormone called egg-laying hormone (ELH). This hormone is released upon activation of a particular enzyme called PKC.

Credit: Brian Infanti

Often the transportation of calcium across the membrane occurs in response to a stimulation. However, the process involved is not well understood. Therefore, observing an organism with a simpler nervous system, such as Aplysia californica, allows researchers to better understand this mechanism by which calcium enters the cell. Correspondingly, Dr. Groten uses A. californica in his research because he believes that “Aplysia is a good organism to study because the behaviour is really well known, and it has a reduced nervous system”. Essentially, calcium channels are important for carrying out many vital processes in our body. Below, you’ll find a clip that might help answer a few questions about calcium channels in general.

Credit: Brian Infanti

According to the podcast, there are many diseases associated with calcium channel deficiencies. Another study shows how specific areas of cells are associated with increased calcium channels and increased secretory vesicles. As a result, this leads to greater release of hormones. Perhaps a connection between calcium channel insertion and regions with lots of secretory vesicles can be made by relating this particular study to Dr. Groten’s findings in order to lead to other therapeutic strategies for various diseases.

As world population increases and diseases such as diabetes become more prevalent, further resources are required to improve research. For instance, Public Health Agency of Canada reported spending $15 million in the past 4 years on funding for the National Population Health Study of Neurological Conditions. With this type of funding in the public health sector, research like Dr. Groten’s can help lead to new discoveries that benefit the public.

– Paria Assadipour, Daniel Kim, Brian Infanti

Understanding Absence Epilepsy

Did you know that epilepsy is the fourth
most common neurological problem of our society?

Epileptic seizures are the result of abnormal activity in the brain. Source: Youtube

Epileptic seizures are the result of abnormal activity in the brain. Absence epilepsy is one form of epileptic seizures, characterized by a momentary loss of awareness, usually lasting less than ten seconds. What differs an epileptic seizure from a non-epileptic seizure is that it is recurrent and non-epileptic seizures may be induced by psychological issues or stress-related factors.

Absence epilepsy is often associaed with children who have trouble in school, social problems, or who misbehave often. Source: Flickr

Absence epilepsy is often associated with children who have trouble in school, social problems, or who misbehave often. Source: Flickr

This condition is more common among children than in adults. As a result, absence seizures are often mistaken as daydreaming or periods of blanking out. Symptoms of absence seizures include fluttering eyelids, smacking of the lips, or rubbing fingers together. Absence epilepsy is often associated with children who have trouble in school, social problems, or who misbehave often. Most children will outgrow their seizures by age 18, however in some cases they can continue throughout the rest of their lives.

To understand a bit more about absence epilepsy, the podcast below depicts a scenario of a child experiencing absence seizures and how current research will fuel further medical studies to help with this disorder.
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There are current studies being conducted on the causes of this condition at the University of British Columbia, and we interviewed Dr. Stuart Cain at the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health about his research on absence epilepsy.

The main focus of Dr. Cain’s research is on calcium channels in the brain, and the role they play in absence epilepsy. It is found that the overactivity of certain calcium channels located specifically in the cells of the brain leads to a phenomenon known as “burst-firing”, and this is thought to be what triggers absence seizures.

The causes of absence epilepsy are still unknown, although there are many theories as to what causes an absence seizure. Dr. Cain believes that when overactive brain cells in one specific region communicates with two other regions of the brain and causes them to be stuck in a synchronous loop; this is what causes absence epilepsy.

The video below explains further on how absence seizures occur, and what the main findings of Dr. Cain’s research were:
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There are currently two types of drugs available to treat absence epilepsy, and although they work for most people in stopping absence seizures from occurring, they have not been shown to be 100% effective.

Dr. Cain and his team of researchers’ study serve as foundation for further development of anti-seizure medications to control absence seizures. He believes that in order to find a drug that will be completely effective in controlling absence seizures, the drug will need to target the calcium channels in the brain which cause burst-firing. Dr. Cain suggests that the next move is to push pharmaceutical industries to create a drug capable of doing just that. If this proves to be successful, perhaps then children will not have to worry about absence epilepsy affecting their lives.

Posted on April 4, 2016
By Emma Peachey, Jenny Ung, Karanvir Gill, Harsh Bhatt

Poisonous Potatoes? Your Spuds Can Kill You!

Potatoes are a staple food in North America and many other places of the world, but did you know this spuddy delight could possibly kill you? In 1978, a large group of boys in a school suffered from severe diarrhea and vomiting. 17 of them even required to be hospitalized and the 3 most severely affected children were even comatose. The cause? Eating a significant amount of toxic potatoes.

But how could potatoes, something the entire world eats nearly everyday cause such a ruckus? Well, potatoes as we consume them are generally not toxic. However, old potatoes that have started turning green start to produce a toxin called Solanine. Generally, people feel that it is a waste to throw away food and may possibly eat a potato that has slightly turned green, but eating too many of these could possibly destroy your digestive system!

A study evaluating the toxicity of solanine found that when rabbits were administered solanine, they encountered breathing difficulties and partial paralysis of limbs. Some were eventually found to be dead.  The results of this study highlight how important it is to be mindful of any leftover potatoes that have started turning green or even started budding; it is safer to throw these away rather than risk your personal health just to save a few dollars.

It is very important that more people be informed about this because almost every household in North America consumes potatoes and young children, who are more susceptible to lower doses of toxins are at risk here. Unknowing parents could possibly cook up some greening spuds which, at lower doses may not affect them but could possibly cause their children to fall severely ill. 

So, the next time you find a potato that has been left for too long, despite how hungry or strapped for cash you are, please remember that you risk paying a much higher price for eating it than you would throwing it away. However, why should I pick on the potato only? Below is a video showing other commonly consumed items that pose just as much, if not more of a risk than the potato.

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Exercise- A New Way to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.

As the global population is aging, the number of elderly suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia are predicted to increase to an estimated 75.6 million in 2030 and 135.5 million in 2050. Every 67 seconds, someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s disease. Today, it is ranked the sixth leading cause of deaths in America. Although a growing number of researchers are studying the disease, Alzheimer’s disease is still the only cause of death in the top 10 that cannot be prevented, cured or slowed.

Alzheimer’s Disease Facts. Source: Alzheimer’s Association

A recently published study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease showed that calories-burning activities are linked with greater gray matter volume in brain areas responsible for cognition and memory. Gray matter in the brain consists of most of the brain’s neurons responsible for muscle control, emotions, speech and memory. Patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia have decreasing gray matter volume in the brain, thus affecting their cognition and memory. Halting the reduction in gray matter volume might be the effective way in preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Normal brain vs. Alzheimer’s brain. Source: Bioinformatics

The study conducted by scientists at UCLA and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine revealed that participants who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia who are physically more active experience less reduction in gray matter volume than those who are physically inactive. Participants who are physically active also experience less cognitive and memory declines.

Researchers gathered five years of data from 876 participants aged 65 and older. Brain scans, cognitive tests and interviews were conducted to gather accurate data about their cognitive health, physical health and physical activities over the period of five years. Participants filled questionnaires to evaluate their leisure time, physical activities and cognitive abilities.

Scientists revealed that those who exercise the most have a 5% larger gray matter volume than those who exercise the least. 5% decrease in gray matter volume corresponds to 50% lost in cognitive and memory functions. The brain scans revealed that participants who exercised the most have denser gray matter in the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, which are the areas responsible for learning, cognitive tasks and memory.

Frontal, parietal and temporal lobes of the brain and their functions. Source: My Brain Tests

Scientists are encouraging doctors to start dementia and Alzheimer’s disease prevention by encouraging regular physical exercise instead of waiting for memory loss to start. Past studies have shown that delaying the development of Alzheimer’s disease by ten years would eliminate the disease as the elderly would die of other causes first before developing the disease.

Even though scientists have no fixed number of how much exercise it takes to prevent dementia, researchers estimated that the people need about an extra 500 calories per day to be burnt. Luckily, it doesn’t matter how the extra calories are burnt, as long as they are burnt.

Experimental Dengue Virus Vaccine found to be 100 Percent Effective

As many of us know, the dengue virus has affected billions of people since the early 19th century. The dengue virus is transmitted by mosquitos and is known to cause dengue fever. It is similar to other well-known viruses, such as the West Nile Virus, or the recent Zika Virus. Scientists were having difficulties creating a vaccine for the virus, as it appeared in four different serotypes (different strains). Creating a vaccine for a single strain could cause complications if the individual became infected with a different strain, as they would be unprotected. Also, if the vaccinated patient became infected with a different strain, they could go into dengue hemorrhagic shock, and die. Dengue hemorrhagic shock is characterized by bleeding, and severe low blood pressure. In most places where the disease is prevalent, all four strains of the virus cycle, thus it is important to create a vaccine that protected against all types of the virus.

The Aedes mosquito, responsible for transmitting viruses such as dengue. Via Wikimedia Commons.

The Aedes mosquito, responsible for transmitting viruses such as dengue. Via Wikimedia Commons.

The vaccine was tested in a small, double-blind trial with 41 volunteers. A double-blind trial is when neither the administrators of the vaccine nor the recipients know what they are receiving. Twenty of the recipients received a placebo (a fake shot, without the vaccine), and the remaining individuals were given the experimental vaccine. All participants in the trial were infected with a mild form of the virus six months later. The twenty individuals that were given a placebo showed symptoms of the virus, such as a rash, a low white-blood-cell count (cells of the immune system, that fight off viruses and infections), and other symptoms of the disease. The individuals given the experimental vaccine did not become sick, showed no symptoms of the virus, and did not have evidence of infection in their blood. The vaccine was developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the results were posted in Science Translational Medicine. Beth Kirkpatrick, a participant in the trial and a professor of medicine at the University of Vermont, called the experimental vaccine “100 percent efficacious” in an interview.

Stained monocytes, a type of white blood cell. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Stained monocytes, a type of white blood cell. Via Wikimedia Commons.

The results were so promising that the NIH rushed the study to large-scale Phase 3 testing in Brazil, a country where the virus is prevalent. Phase 3 is the last phase of clinical trials, where the drug or vaccine is given to large groups of people to confirm its effectiveness and monitor side effects. They plan on enrolling 17,000 adults, children, and babies and finishing Phase 3 by 2018. These results also have important implications on a vaccine for the Zika virus. As Zika and dengue are similar viruses, scientists believe what they have learned from the dengue virus can be used to cut back the timeline for developing a Zika virus vaccine.

Kush Khanna