Category Archives: Biological Sciences


Stem cells used after cataract surgery for regenerating functional human lenses

Congenital cataracts are a significant cause of blindness in children. Congenital cataracts are the clouding of lens, which usually occurs at birth or shortly later; they do not allow any light to the retina or visual information to the brain, which results in a visual impairment. The function of the retina is to convert light energy into signals that are carried to the brain and processed as visual information in the brain.

Human eye schematic

This is a schematic of a human eye done by Rhcastilhos

This is a cataract in a human eye taken by Dr. Rakesh Ahuja.

This is a cataract in a human eye taken by Dr. Rakesh Ahuja.

Humans are born with cells in their eyes called lens epithelial stem cells (LEC); the function of these LECs are to create replacement lens cells throughout their lifetime. Currently, cataract surgeries remove, in an attempt to remove the cataracts, almost all the LECs too. The problem, with these current surgeries, is that the LECs regenerate in a way that doesn’t heal or reconstruct the actual lens properly.

A new study addresses these issues exactly. Researchers from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, and Shiley Eye Institute, with colleagues in China, have discovered a new surgical technique that retains the shape of the lens, with a therapy that stimulates the LECs to grow. The first part of the surgery has the same method of removing congenital cataracts, however it is the latter part that makes the difference. The second part is a therapy that permits the remaining stem cells to regrow into functional lenses.

This video by wochit News on describes the new study and the use of the new surgery technique in the future.

This technique was tried on animals first, followed by a small human trial that involved 12 infants under the age of 2. There was a control group of 25 infants (also under the age of 2) that received the original cataract surgery (the one without the therapy). At the end of the study, the infants of the control group had higher inflammation, more hypertension and increased lens clouding relative to the treatment group.

This proves that this new is a safer and more effective cataract surgery technique that is showing positive results and will potentially be the future of cataract surgery. The patients, particularly infants, will have now have healthier lenses forming after having their cataracts removed and will allow them to live a life with healthy eyes and proper vision.


Done by: Karanvir Gill

The Resurrection of the Antibiotic?


Antibiotics are bacteria-killing drugs that either inhibit the growth of bacterial cell walls (the protective wall surrounding the bacteria) or stop bacteria from replicating by manipulating bacterial DNA. Evidence of the use of antibiotics such as tetracycline

tetracycline, Source: wikimedia commons

tetracycline, Source: Wikimedia Commons

have been found in fossils dating back to 350 Common Era and has since evolved alongside human technology to become more effective and accessible to the everyday consumer. Common uses of antibiotics include disinfecting wounds, mediating safe child birth and curing food poisoning. Using antibiotics, countless lives have been saved in human history especially in major historical events such as World War II. The following link demonstrates the effects of the drug Penicillin on the outcome of World War II which was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 (

Bacteria vs. Antibiotic?

But, antibiotics are double-edged swords. Bacteria has been slowly adapting to various antibiotics and evolved so that some antibiotics are no longer effective. This is due to mainly two reasons:

  1. People have been misusing and overusing antibiotics for the last couple of decades which allowed bacteria to have an easier time adapting and building resistance to the antibiotics.
  2. Bacteria is a very flexible life from in the aspect that it adapts quickly and have quick mutation cycles.

Dangerous cases have resulted where Super Bugs which are bacteria resistant to antibiotics have started to grow in hospitals infecting patients receiving various treatments. These cases have often resulted in mortality in these patients. The following illustration demonstrates the quick adaptability of a bacteria cell to an antibiotic.


Bacteria/ Antibiotics, Source: Wikimedia Commons

The Battle is Won?

The information presented above must be shocking to some but rest assured because scientists believe that they have found an antibiotic that does not induce bacterial resistance. Teixobactin

Teixobactin, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Teixobactin, Source: Wikimedia Commons

discovered  earlier last year appears to successfully combat the development of bacterial resistance. The key in why this antibiotic is so effective in prohibiting bacterial resistance is the fact that it is able to inhibit bacterial growth in two methods as opposed to the normal one method attack of alternative antibiotics. Teixobactin prohibits the formation of both lipid II and lipid III in a bacteria which are detrimental in the formation of bacteria cells walls. Even if the bacteria is able to adapt by restoring the ability to produce of one of these lipids, the other lipid would still be inhibited.

The following is a YouTube video provided by Newsy Science which outlines the basics of what this new antibiotic can do and the mechanism behind it.

Hopefully, this new antibiotic marks the oncoming of a new age of drug use where antibiotic will no longer induce bacterial resistance.

By: Ming Lun (Allan) Zhu


What are the foods that can help you burn your belly fat.

Getting rid of belly fat is important not only for having a sexually attractive body but also for staying healthy. A lot of diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer are caused by the fat around our middle. However, many people have no idea how to reduce their belly fat. Here are some tips for reducing fat around middle in an efficient and healthy way.

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Try to Eat Foods that Increase Metabolism.

Many scientists say that If one has a fast metabolism, he will be likely to burn his fat faster than other people who have a normal metabolism. The foods that can boost our metabolism are green tea and vinegar, and we can easily buy them at any grocery stores near us. In addition, any food that is highly in protein, such as egg whites, extra lean beef, and chicken breasts is also helpful for increasing metabolism.



The Heathy Habits for Reducing Belly Fat.

First, it is important that you limit your sugar and carbohydrates consumption as much as you can. Instead of eating them, you should try to eat foods that are high in fiber and protein.

Second, you should not always overeat. It is important to eat healthy foods, but eating too much of anything is bad for health.

Lastly, you should be active as possibly as you can because not only you can lose your fat but also you can reduce stress by exercising.



Belly fat is something that we should get rid of in order to live a healthy life. Thus, it is important to know the efficient and healthy ways to reduce belly fat. 

The Epigenetic Relationship Between Income and Aging

You are probably familiar with the old nature versus nurture debate if you have ever taken a course in psychology or philosophy. It inquires whether our development is induced by our DNA, individual choices we make or by our environment and circumstance. Twins are often used to demonstrate the effects environmental factors have on phenotype.

In the early 1990’s a scientist by the name of Conrad Waddington found that environmental stress was causing certain phenotypes of the Drosophila fruit fly to assimilate. In other words, these phenotypes that were first induced by the environment were becoming permanent and hereditary! Waddington named this area of research Epigenetics; a now growing field of research that looks at how environmental factors can change our phenotype.

Dr. Courtney Griffin, a member of the Cardiovascular Biology Research Program at Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation discusses the importance of Epigenetics in this TedX video.

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Many studies in recent years have attempted to reveal a connection between low income and risk for diseases such as heart disease and cancer. What all of these studies have looked at is telomere degradation. As cells divide, the length of these chromosome-caps contracts implying aging. As an indicator of aging, telomere degradation remains unreliable and results from these studies have proven inconsistent.

A new study by Ronald Simons et al. has demonstrated a correlation between accelerated aging and income by a new method. The researchers were able to identify certain epigenetic markers that can be linked to aging by way of DNA methylation. This process involves adding methyl groups to DNA. As the methylation level of a gene increases, the expression of the gene decreases (Read more about DNA methylation here).

A sample of 100 middle-aged, American black women were chosen for the study as the population of black men in America had high incarceration rates (forcing the financial burden on the mother of a family) and low family incomes. The study controlled for other influences of socio-economic status (SES)  such as education, and used a new method of structural equation modeling to find that low income was associated with biological aging.

Income inequality is one of the largest problems the United States faces today as 99% of new income is being distributed to merely one percent of the population. This study implies that this problem may be even worse than previously understood. If these biological effects are in fact hereditary, the vast population of low-income wage earners in America can expect their children and grand children to live shorter lives.

-Johnny Lazazzera

Banana Lovers Beware: Some “Unap-peel-ing” News

The world’s most popular fruit, the banana, is at risk of dying out due to a fungus that is destroying crops in almost every country it’s grown in. The fungus causes the incurable Panama disease, which is currently killing off the popular species sold across North America and Europe known as the Cavendish banana. Scientists from Wageningen University have traced this fungus for decades, and their most recent findings show that it has spread dangerously fast across the globe.


The Cavendish Banana. Source: wikipedia

The fungus is known as Tropical Race 4 (TR4), and is the fourth type of fungus found capable of spreading the Panama disease. So far TR4 has been found in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, the Philippines, South Africa, and most recently in Jordan, Pakistan, and Lebanon. The fungus targets banana plants through the soil, where it can enter the plant’s roots and block off it’s water source until it wilts and ultimately dies. TR4 spreads by releasing spores, which can live in the soil for up to 30 years after the crops die off.

TR4 is especially dangerous because each spore is a clone of the very first TR4 fungus, meaning every spore has the exact same genetic material. This means every fungus is equally as powerful in killing banana plants, and there is no chance of any fungus having a mutation and being defective. Even worse, banana plants are extremely susceptible to this disease. You may have noticed that bananas don’t have seeds. The reason why is that the Cavendish Banana is sterile, and can only be reproduced from offshoots of adult plants or by growing cells in a nutrient bath. In turn, they are all genetically identical, meaning these bananas are also clones of each other. They are all equally vulnerable to the Panama disease, therefore it spreads very quickly through crops.


A banana plant killed by the Panama disease carried by TR4 fungus. Source: Wikimedia Commons

This isn’t the first time bananas have been threatened by the Panama disease. In the 1960s, it drove another type of banana, the Gros-Michel, into near-extinction. It was after this devastation that farmers started growing the Cavendish banana. It was originally thought that Cavendish bananas were resistant to the Panama disease, that is until a new strain of the Panama disease carried by the TR4 fungus was found to infect them.

The biggest exporters of bananas in the world, Central and South America, have not yet been hit with the Panama disease. However if we want to stop the bananas we know and love from going extinct, drastic strategy changes in the way we currently grow bananas will need to be made, including finding a new variety of banana that is immune to the deadly effects of the TR4 fungus. Time is running out, and it will take a global effort and commitment in order to stop the increasing spread of TR4 and save the banana.

The following video presented by SciShow gives a great summary of the Panama disease and the extinction of banana plants:

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  • Emma Peachey, March 6, 2016


Oral Bacteria May Lead to Better Detection of Esophageal Cancer

Your future visits to the dentist might have you sitting in the chair longer and wishing you had taken the extra time to floss and brush your teeth. This is because dentists may be examining the plaque in your mouth for a specific type of bacteria that may be linked to cancer of the esophagus.

Brush teeth

Image Source: The Clear Communication People, Flickr

A recent study illustrates that scientists have possibly found an association between a specific species of oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis and esophageal cancer. Researchers found that in patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer, 61% contained this bacterial species. Within cancerous esophageal cells, they discovered a unique enzyme produced by P. gingivalis as well as bacterial DNA. With this discovery, researchers are hoping to use this bacterial species as a biomarker for esophageal cancer.

Although there are many types of esophageal cancer, P. gingivalis has been associated with esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC). ESCC occurs in the flat, thin cells lining the esophagus. These cells undergo uncontrolled growth and form malignant tumors. This results in the formation of a lump on the inner surface of the esophagus. The most common symptom of ESCC is difficulty swallowing, which can be extremely painful for individuals with this disease.

-Credit: Blausen Medical

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, approximately 2,200 Canadians died from esophageal cancer in the past year. This is due in part to the fact that most cases of esophageal cancers are not detected until the later stages of cancer development.

Although researchers are optimistic about using this bacterial species as an early indicator for esophageal cancer, further studies need to be conducted. It is still unclear whether or not P. gingivalis prefers to live within cancerous esophageal cells, or whether this species of bacteria is responsible for the development of esophageal cancer. Researchers believe that if indeed this species of bacteria could cause ESCC, improved oral hygiene and antibiotics could be an effective treatment for ESCC. With this new correlation found between P. gingivalis and esophageal cancer, researchers are confident that early detection will decrease the mortality rate and increase chances of survival.

– Brian Infanti