Tag Archives: cancer

What are the foods that can help you burn your belly fat.

Getting rid of belly fat is important not only for having a sexually attractive body but also for staying healthy. A lot of diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer are caused by the fat around our middle. However, many people have no idea how to reduce their belly fat. Here are some tips for reducing fat around middle in an efficient and healthy way.

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Try to Eat Foods that Increase Metabolism.

Many scientists say that If one has a fast metabolism, he will be likely to burn his fat faster than other people who have a normal metabolism. The foods that can boost our metabolism are green tea and vinegar, and we can easily buy them at any grocery stores near us. In addition, any food that is highly in protein, such as egg whites, extra lean beef, and chicken breasts is also helpful for increasing metabolism.


Credit: www.womenshealthmag.com

The Heathy Habits for Reducing Belly Fat.

First, it is important that you limit your sugar and carbohydrates consumption as much as you can. Instead of eating them, you should try to eat foods that are high in fiber and protein.

Second, you should not always overeat. It is important to eat healthy foods, but eating too much of anything is bad for health.

Lastly, you should be active as possibly as you can because not only you can lose your fat but also you can reduce stress by exercising.


Credit: www.institutefornaturalhealing.com

Belly fat is something that we should get rid of in order to live a healthy life. Thus, it is important to know the efficient and healthy ways to reduce belly fat. 

Skin Cells Transformed into Cancer-Fighting Cells

Researchers receive inspiration from a variety of sources, this post follows an innovation which was inspired from Yamanaka’s Nobel Prize on cellular reprogramming.

The advancements made in the cancer research field have been extraordinary. However, there still remain certain types of cancer that reduce a patients life expectancy greatly. Glioblastoma (GBM) is a tumour that arises from supportive tissue in the brain which is located in the cerebral hemisphere (Figure 1). Once diagnosed this disease leaves a patient with a life expectancy of one to two years. Glioblastoma tumours are often very cancerous because the cells can reproduce rather quickly. One of the main reasons this disease has a low life expectancy is because though a surgeon may operate and remove the main cancer; the possibility of parts of the cancerous tumour moving deeper into the brain and reforming are high. Therefore,  glioblastoma cannot be completely rid of just by surgery.

The following image shows three types of brain cancer and their respective locations, this innovation focuses on glioblastoma.


Figure 1. Location of the glioblastoma – Credit: Stockmedicalalert.com

Researchers at the University of North Carolina have been working on transforming ordinary skin cells into cancer-hunting stem cells that can get rid of glioblastoma. The work of these individuals was posted in Nature Communications and the idea was to transform stem cells into cells that can actively act as cancer fighting cells.

The ability to reprogram fibroblast (cells which produce collagen and connective tissue) cells into induced neural stem cells, which are self-renewing cells, is how these researchers aim to kill cancer cells. The induced neural stem cells also contain an extra additive, a killing protein, making it more effective at killing the cancerous cells.

This innovation been tested using mice. This showed how the neural stem cells can actively move through the brain and find and kill any remaining cancer cells that surgery may have been unable to get rid of. In the tested mice the survival rate increased from 160 to 220 percent due to this innovation.

The following video gives a brief overview of the research described in this post.


Credit: NewsBeat Social

This innovation is of much interest to individuals who battle glioblastoma. However, this study needs to undergo many safety checks before it can be administered to individuals. The researchers believe there is about one year until they reach clinical trials.

Although this research has the potential to be life-changing for individuals battling glioblastoma, it is important to question the practicality of the research. For example, will this innovation increase the life expectancy slightly or will this eliminate all of the leftover cancer cells in the brain. Unfortunately, this cannot be answered at such early stages in the research, however the results do look promising and it seems to be headed in the right direction.


Oral Bacteria May Lead to Better Detection of Esophageal Cancer

Your future visits to the dentist might have you sitting in the chair longer and wishing you had taken the extra time to floss and brush your teeth. This is because dentists may be examining the plaque in your mouth for a specific type of bacteria that may be linked to cancer of the esophagus.

Brush teeth

Image Source: The Clear Communication People, Flickr

A recent study illustrates that scientists have possibly found an association between a specific species of oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis and esophageal cancer. Researchers found that in patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer, 61% contained this bacterial species. Within cancerous esophageal cells, they discovered a unique enzyme produced by P. gingivalis as well as bacterial DNA. With this discovery, researchers are hoping to use this bacterial species as a biomarker for esophageal cancer.

Although there are many types of esophageal cancer, P. gingivalis has been associated with esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCC). ESCC occurs in the flat, thin cells lining the esophagus. These cells undergo uncontrolled growth and form malignant tumors. This results in the formation of a lump on the inner surface of the esophagus. The most common symptom of ESCC is difficulty swallowing, which can be extremely painful for individuals with this disease.

-Credit: Blausen Medical

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, approximately 2,200 Canadians died from esophageal cancer in the past year. This is due in part to the fact that most cases of esophageal cancers are not detected until the later stages of cancer development.

Although researchers are optimistic about using this bacterial species as an early indicator for esophageal cancer, further studies need to be conducted. It is still unclear whether or not P. gingivalis prefers to live within cancerous esophageal cells, or whether this species of bacteria is responsible for the development of esophageal cancer. Researchers believe that if indeed this species of bacteria could cause ESCC, improved oral hygiene and antibiotics could be an effective treatment for ESCC. With this new correlation found between P. gingivalis and esophageal cancer, researchers are confident that early detection will decrease the mortality rate and increase chances of survival.

– Brian Infanti

Vanadium. Can it replace insulin and cure diabetes?

Vanadium (V) is a chemical element located in the d-block of the periodic table as part of the transition metals. Vanadium exists as a trace metal in both plants and animals and vastly abundant in Earth’s crust and sea water. This Vanadium has become a big issue over past decades as it could possibly replace the usage of insulin as to treat diabetes mellitus (DM).

Image from Wikipedia.

Image from Wikipedia.

Vanadium mimics insulin. Just like insulin, vanadium lowers glucose level in the blood, improves insulin sensitivity and normalizes liver enzyme activities. However, insulin has couple drawbacks as it must be injected as it is a protein and gets digested in our stomachs before our bodies absorb. Unlike insulin, vanadium can be orally taken as metals without getting digested in the stomach and can be readily absorbed through the guts solving the discomfort of injecting insulin.


Moreover, vanadium is safe. According to an article, doses of up to 400 mg per day is even in the safe level where the recommended dose for a patient is 100-150 per day. In general, the toxicity of vanadium is very low. A study denote most of the toxic effects of vanadium result from local irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract rather than systemic toxicity.


Not only vanadium is used for diabetes treatment, but also for cancer and and bone formations. Although clinical data and researches are lacking, laboratory studies on human cells demonstrate that vanadium could help promote apoptosis and suppress the growth of cancerous tumours. Furthermore, tests on animals and human cells suggest that vanadium may promote osteogenesis.


We do not completely know the virtue of vanadium due to lacking experiments and testing. But many papers and researches have proved vanadium is safe and efficient which could potentially replace the use of insulin in the future.


This is a youtube video of a pharmacist explaining why vanadium is important.YouTube Preview Image


Sung Eun Kim

Nanotechnology: The Cure for Cancer?

What is Cancer (disease)?

Cancer is a very well known disease plaguing human society for the last century. It is characterized by abnormally rapid cell division often accompanied by tumor growth; the type of tumor mainly being malignant to be more precise. It is

Cigarette, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Cigarette, Source: Wikimedia Commons

known to sprout from sources known as carcinogen (such as ultraviolet radiation and smoking cigarettes) as well as genetic dispositions.


Current Treatment

Current treatments are quite limited and do not have an 100% success rate since there are so many mutations and varieties in cancer. Treatments such as chemotherapy often have lasting side effects. Additionally, there is a likelihood that cancerous cells are not completely eradicated and may resurface in years to come.

The following is the background behind chemotherapy and the effects it has on the human body provided by Dnews on YouTube.

What the Future Holds?

What scientists are trying to obtain is a sustainable as well as safe method of treating cancer. Scientists are looking into stem cell research, protein inhibition (protein Kinase inhibition) and artificial intelligence as potential methods. But, perhaps one of the most promising of the potential treatments is nanotechnology.

*Credit to Inquisitr.com for providing these different potential treatment methods.*

Nanotechnology and Cancer Treatment

Nanoparticles are as small as cell organelles with great flexibility when it

Mesoporous silica, Source: Wikimedia Commons

Mesoporous silica, Source: Wikimedia Commons

comes to shape, size and composition. Research by scientists have found a mesoporous silicon nano particle that is able to encase azobenzene molecules within its membrane pores as well as carry different sized substrates inside the particle itself.  It is important to note the fact that azobenzene switches its orientation/ configuration (cis/trans) when exposed to light and its size changes when going from cis to trans. This  means that the permeability of the silica nanoparticle can be regulated by the azobenzene molecular configuration.  Small pellets of anti-cancer drugs can be inserted into the silica nanoparticles and injected into the human body. With controlled light exposure and intensity, the size of azobenzene changes releasing the substrate into the cancer cell targeting either just the cancerous components or the entire cell.  The following video uploaded by FGRGAnimation made by Frank Gu from the University of Waterloo outlines the process of osmosis and cell substrate concentration in regulating and controlling transport in a nanoparticle.

This process will be safe due to the high control levels in the real (in vivo) environment. We are able to selectively insert the amount of substrate into the nanoparticles to control concentration and light intensity. Thus, the correct dosage is always applied. Interestingly, the treatment  process can be both selective or general meaning scientists are able to use substrate specifically targeting cancerous components in a cell or the entire cancer cell.

Although the focus was on nanoparticles and nanotechnology, any of the the aforementioned 4 methods can be an important breakthrough in cancer treatments if proven experimentally successful.

Posted by Ming Lun (Allan) Zhu


What Is Skin Cancer? and How Can We Prevent It?

Summer is the best season for sun activities, but the sun exposure is not without a price. As many people already know, skin cancer is mostly developed through sun exposure. Obviously, the best way to prevent skin cancer is to avoid the sun, but we all are eagerly anticipating fun in summer; we want to have pool parties and BBQs in hot and sunny weather. Now, I want to suggest to you the most effective and realistic way to prevent skin cancer when you have fun outside.

The Types of Skin Cancer

First, it is important to know the types of skin cancer because one is more dreadful than other. There are two main types of skin cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma and  Melanoma. The first one is less harmful; it only stays in one location of a body. Melanoma, on the other hand, spreads to other areas of a body, especially to other organs. Melanoma is usually darkish, but it can be any colour. In men, it is usually found on the back, whereas in women, it is often found on the leg. 


Credit: simpleorganiclife.org

The Risk Factors of Skin Cancer

Patients with light-complexioned skin, naturally blond or red hair, a family history of skin cancer, or many moles have a higher risk of getting skin cancer.

The Ways to Prevent Skin Cancer

It is important to cover up your skin as much as you can. For instance, you should try to wear a hat to protect your face; you should wear sleeves and pants.

You should monthly check your skin, making sure that there is nothing suspicious on your skin. If you think you have skin cancer, you should not hesitate to see doctors.

It is essential to use sunscreen; it is by far the best way to prevent skin cancer. However, you should make sure you use the sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, with stated “UVA and UVB” protection on the bottle, and the ingredients “titanium” and/or “zinc oxide.”

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Having fun in summer is definitely not wrong, but you should be careful. If you still want sun activities, you should make sure you follow the suggestions I made above, and I hope everyone has a great summer in the future and stays healthy.


Credit: advanceddermatologypc.com


Dohoon Kim

Detecting early for bowel cancer

Gastroenterologist performing a colonoscopy on a patient.

Gastroenterologist performing a colonoscopy on a patient.

Always better to be early than too late, whether you be arriving at a party early or lining up for Boxing Day sale. However, this is especially the case with most cancers. When it is diagnosed as the final stages, it may be too late for action to take place. Thankfully, screening for bowel cancer has become a major role in detecting early for bowel cancer patients.

Of the cases picked up by bowel screening, 37% were caught in the early stage while 8% were already in the advanced stage. This compares to 40% of bowel cancers diagnosed as an emergency being stage four and 22% of bowel cancers in stage four by the time the doctors diagnosed them.

Here, we see a clip of a colon screening done on a patient. The video highlights three main screening options that are available to patients depending on frequency, cost, and invasiveness: fecal occult blood test, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. All three have their own advantages and disadvantages in screening for cancer. However, out of the three, colonoscopy is considered the best and most effective method for detection of polyps.YouTube Preview Image

Diagnosis at an early stage means better chances of survival due to faster and more effective treatment before the cancer may spread to other areas of the body.

In the case of targeting bowel cancer and in general, all types of cancers, understanding the impacts of technology and advancement can help us manage our resources more efficiently in hopes of saving more lives before it gets too late.


Posted on January 27, 2016 by Lorraine Yu

Is it safe to eat raw mushrooms?

raw mushrooms

Raw Mushroom Salad Credit: veganarchitect.com

Have you ever thought that eating raw mushrooms is bad for health? I have heard many well known doctors say that raw mushrooms contain toxic compounds that are destroyed by cooking. I used to eat raw mushrooms at the salad bar, but after realizing the toxic potential of them, I try to avoid eating them raw.


To answer this question, we should start off by asking what substances make raw mushrooms toxic. Raw mushrooms have this chemical substance called aragonite, which in large amounts has the potential to cause DNA damage. Aragonite is only broken down by heat, so experts suggest that people should cook their mushrooms.

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Directly speaking, I would say that cooking mushrooms is not always necessary. I agree with experts who say since raw mushrooms contain aragonite that can cause DNA deformation, people should destroy it by heat before eating them. However, a team of Swiss researchers argues that the chance that aragonite will cause cancer is minor, so people should not worry too much about getting cancer after eating raw mushrooms.  Moreover, raw mushrooms contain lots of cancer preventive substances, so even if you eat raw mushrooms, you are consuming more healthful substances than harmful substances. It is totally up to the person whether he or she eats raw mushrooms or not, but if I were you, I would not always choose to eat them raw.

toxic mushrooms

Types Of Poisonous Mushrooms With White Or Cream Spores: Credit: hubspages.com

Dohoon Kim