Tag Archives: weight loss

What are the foods that can help you burn your belly fat.

Getting rid of belly fat is important not only for having a sexually attractive body but also for staying healthy. A lot of diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer are caused by the fat around our middle. However, many people have no idea how to reduce their belly fat. Here are some tips for reducing fat around middle in an efficient and healthy way.

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Try to Eat Foods that Increase Metabolism.

Many scientists say that If one has a fast metabolism, he will be likely to burn his fat faster than other people who have a normal metabolism. The foods that can boost our metabolism are green tea and vinegar, and we can easily buy them at any grocery stores near us. In addition, any food that is highly in protein, such as egg whites, extra lean beef, and chicken breasts is also helpful for increasing metabolism.


Credit: www.womenshealthmag.com

The Heathy Habits for Reducing Belly Fat.

First, it is important that you limit your sugar and carbohydrates consumption as much as you can. Instead of eating them, you should try to eat foods that are high in fiber and protein.

Second, you should not always overeat. It is important to eat healthy foods, but eating too much of anything is bad for health.

Lastly, you should be active as possibly as you can because not only you can lose your fat but also you can reduce stress by exercising.


Credit: www.institutefornaturalhealing.com

Belly fat is something that we should get rid of in order to live a healthy life. Thus, it is important to know the efficient and healthy ways to reduce belly fat. 

Zero-Calories, is that even possible?

Do you prefer drinking “diet” Coke or regular Coke?

Nowadays, we have all sorts of products with an option of ‘diet’, ‘zero’, ‘sugar free’ or ‘light’. As the trend of the grocery market is focusing on “well-being”, more people are starting to choose healthier and non-fattening foods. But let’s think about it,  Coke Zero literally has zero calories (cal) but it tastes almost the same as the regular coke with 154 cal. Well, how could this be possible when zero products taste similar or the same in sweetness but have absolutely zero calories? Are they really a better option for our health and weight?

Image from Flickr

Image from Flickr

In diet soda, artificial sweeteners are added instead of natural sugars. Thus, diet drinks could be a better option if you want to prevent bacteria growing in your mouth due to natural sugars. Inside our mouth, plaque resides on our teeth and propagate in presence of sugar. Since diet soda has sugar that is artificial, it will not affect the growth of plaque. However, according to D. Aune, the artificial sweetener, aspartame, increases the risk of higher chances of getting cancers including lymphomas and leukemias and type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or metabolic syndrome with diet soft drinks.

Moreover, Medical Daily explains how diet products, in fact, contribute to weight gain because when human bodies crave for natural sugars, these diet products do not suffice the same way as natural sugar but rather confuse our bodies and trigger insulin, which signals our body to store more fat. Thus, the higher chance to eat in addition to the drink could eventually cause weight gain.

Lastly, according to the research done by D.A. Booth, there is no significant weight change between a person who drinks regular products and person who drinks diet products. He also noted the only effective set of the only dietary strategies effective at reducing weight are increased exercise and the reduction in consumption of fats.

As a regular soda drinker, I believe there is no significant difference drinking diet sodas especially for weight loss purpose. If you still choose to drink diet drinks, you should not expect it to be like water. Rather, your decision between diet and regular drinks should simply be choosing between natural and artificial sweetener regardless of calories because the only best way to loose weight and be healthy we know for sure is a healthy diet of balanced nutrition with constant exercise.

Here is a YouTube video discussing about dangers of diet soda by Dr. Group and Global Healing Center

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Sung Eun Kim