Are GMOs bad because it is harmful to humans? Or is it bad because people say so? Many people have misconceptions about the use of GMOs in today’s society because they often get attracted to natural products rather than “artificial” or “non-natural” products.

Many scientific studies have concluded the safety around GMOs; none of which claimed harmful to humans, animals or the environment. However, scientific consensus have not stopped activists from demanding GMO labels to food.
There are many reasons as to why GMOs are a positive solution to our food problem today. The use of GMO’s prevent damaged crops in times of drought. It also is a safe and effective alternative to pesticides which are harmful to the environment. With a growing population, GMOs help to ensure adequate food supply for people around the world especially developing nations. Plus GM technology can maintain or keep food prices lower.
An example has been the Florida oranges that were infested by deadly bacteria. If it weren’t for GMOs, the crop was very likely to be wiped out.
It is important to do your research and understand the science behind GMOs than being pulled into public opinion. It is also good to weigh the benefits and risks. GMOs have been researched and tested widely and it is a safe and effective way of posing a solution to world hunger.
Posted by Lorraine Yu on March 16, 2016