Category: MASK

Alison Ma, Sydney Storie, Kathryn Simone, and Jie(Mandy) Su.

Memorandum Invitation to LinkedIn Profile

To: Team Members in MASK From: Sydney Storie Date: July 3, 2020 Subject: Invitation to LinkedIn Profile Dear Members in Team Mask, I would like to thank you very much for providing helpful tips for enhancing my LinkedIn profile. I

Memorandum – LinkedIn Invitation

To: All team members in team MASK From: Alison Ma Date: July 3, 2020 Subject: An Invitation to my LinkedIn Profile Dear All Team Members in Team MASK, Thank you for your helpful tips on how to make good use

LinkedIn Best Practices Memorandum

To: Members of MASK From: Kathryn Simone, English 301 Student Date: June 29, 2020 Subject: Memo about LinkedIn Best Practices I have researched best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site, and wish to share them with you

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo – Jie Su

MEMORANDUM To: ENGL301 MASK Writing Team From: Jie Su, Member of MASK Team Date: June 29, 2020 Subject: Linkedin Best Practices for Professional Networking As requested by the course assignment 2:2, I have researched the best practices on the creation

Memorandum for LinkedIn Practices

To: Team Mask From: Sydney Storie Date: June 29, 2020 Subject: Memorandum for LinkedIn Practices   Dear Team Mask, I am writing to share my research on the best practices for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is one of the most resourceful social

Memorandum Assignment 2:2

Memorandum   To: All Members in Team Mask, ENGL 301 98A From: Alison Ma Date: June 29, 2020 Subject: Memorandum on my research   As specified in Assignment 2:2, please find below the research findings of using LinkedIn as a

Peer review – Jie Su

To: Jie Su From: Alison Ma Date: June 20, 2020 Subject: Review of your Formal Report Proposal   Hi Jie, I have reviewed the first draft of your Final Report Proposal. Your proposed idea of increasing the number of participants

Peer Review for Sydney Storie

TO: Sydney Storie FROM: Kathryn Simone DATE: June 24, 2020 SUBJECT: Review of Your Assignment 2.1: Research Proposal Hi Sydney, I have reviewed your research proposal and I commend you on your choice of topic. I know that if I

Peer Review for Alison Ma

To: Alison Ma From: Jie Su Date: June 24, 2020 Subject: English 301 Formal Report Proposal– Peer Review   Hi Alison, I have reviewed your formal report proposal carefully. Thank you very much for your excellent work, bringing us a smooth

Peer Review Kathryn Simone Report Proposal

To: Kathryn Simone From: Sydney Storie Date: June 24, 2020 Subject: Peer Review: Proposal for Increasing the Quality of Hospital Food Dear Kathryn, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your proposal for increasing the quality of hospital food. Please review my


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