Monthly Archives: September 2012

Text is a fingerprint

Text. I chose this picture for a couple of reasons. It was a picture that came up when I Googled the word text. I was curious to see what type of images appeared for this four letter word. I was … Continue reading

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Proper use of technology

This summer, I completed EPSE 410, a super-amazingly fantastic course on the use of technology in special education. In this course, I discovered all sorts of tools developed specifically for students who had different types of sight, hearing, communication or … Continue reading

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Text as used in theatre

Text took on a special meaning for me last fall when I read the script of a play I was about to see. I read the play twice and thought it was really well constructed with surprising elements and interesting … Continue reading

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My Precious

I’m a techie.  There: I said it.  I love my gadgets and have admittedly been caught shedding tears over the perceived brilliance of some pieces of software.  I own, or have owned dozens upon dozens of “quality Apple products”, dating … Continue reading

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Neutral, it is not

Everywhere we remain unfree and chained to technology, whether we passionately affirm or deny it. But we are delivered over to it in the worst possible way when we regard it as something neutral; for this conception of it, to … Continue reading

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Text: The Technology of Communication

After reading the course materials on ‘text” and ‘technology’, I feel the two are inseparable as they relate to communication.  Text happens to be the technology of communication.  It is what humans use to share information; to communicate thoughts and … Continue reading

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I chose this image of Greek text from Amheida, Egypt, to represent the erosion of text as written authority. As a child I grew up with the concept that if something was in print, it was authoritative and couldn’t be … Continue reading

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All encompassing, I believe

Words : a Poem David A. Reinstein, LCSW Words to express and Words to conceal. To create a dream Or describe the real. Words to engage and Words to reject. To be in agreement Or to curtly correct. Words to … Continue reading

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A whole new language…

Remember When A Poem About Technology A computer was something on TV From a sci fi show of note. A window was something you hated to clean And ram was the cousin of goat. Meg was the name of my … Continue reading

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The Unknown

Hart Seely at Slate Magazine has created found poetry from speech transcripts of various U.S. political figures… Sarah Palin, Donald Rumsfeld, and others.  The example from Donald Rumsfeld below is reproduced in the Wikipedia entry for found poetry, which is what … Continue reading

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