Category Archives: Literature Search and Evidence Appraisal

The following section contains resources on how to conduct a literature search, how to critically appraise literature, and how to access pharmacy resources

CEBM Critical Appraisal Tools

What you will find here: On the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) website you can find study specific (e.g., systematic reviews, randomized control trials, qualitative research, etc.) critical appraisal worksheets.

Presenting an Article at a Journal Club

What you will find here: A guide for pharmacist on how to present an article at a journal club. Document synthesized by Dr. Peter Loewen from multiple sources.

Presenting an Article at a Journal Club


What you will find here: Website, founded by Dr. Ricky Turgeon, with many useful tools and resources for critically appraising evidence. These tools can be useful for day-to-day provision of pharmaceutical care, but also in preparation for presentations such as journal clubs and/or formal case presentations.