What you will find here: The following table outlines the mechanism action, activation, pharmacokinetics, toxicities, resistance, and additional facts regarding common chemotherapy agents discussed in UBC PHRM 311.
Category Archives: Oncology
BC Cancer Agency Drug Information, Guides and Manuals
What you will find here: The following link will direct you to the pharmacy section of the BCCA website where you will find:
Drug Information: BSA Calculator, Chemotherapy Drugs and Pregnancy, Chemotherapy Preparation and Stability, Complementary and Alternative Therapies, Drug Funding, Hazardous Drug List, Patient Handouts/Education, Recommended Websites, Supportive Care Protocols.
Guides and Manuals: Clinical Pharmacy Guide
- Chemotherapy Assessment & Review – this is a comprehensive guide that leads you through the process of interpreting and clinically assessing BC chemotherapy protocols and orders.
- Safe Handling Standards Manual- contains aseptic and safe handling guidelines
- Symptoms & Side Effect Management Resource Guide – provides convenient links to symptom and side effect managementHandling Hazardous Drugs
Go to http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/health-professionals/clinical-resources/pharmacy
BC Cancer Agency Pharmacy Departments Abbotsford Centre: 604-851-4709 Centre for the North (Prince George): 250-645-7306 Centre for the Southern Interior (Kelowna): 250-712-3952 Fraser Valley Centre (Surrey): 604-930-4002 Vancouver Centre: 604-877-6135 Vancouver Island Centre (Victoria): 250-519-5510 Communities Oncology Network Educators Fraser Health and Northern Health Fraser Valley Centre (Surrey) (604) 930-4055 Local 654501 Sindi Ahluwalia Hawkins Centre for the Southern Interior (Kelowna) (250) 712-3966 Local 686727 Vancouver Coastal, Northern Health, and Yukon Vancouver Centre (Vancouver) (604) 877-6000 Local 672240 Vancouver Island Centre (Victoria) (250) 519-5500 ext 693745 CON Retail Billing Enquiries (i.e.
BC Cancer Agency Protocols
What you will find here: The following link will direct you to the BCCA website section on chemotherapy protocols. You will find summaries of specific treatment protocols for the various types of cancers (e.g., breast, gastrointestinal, leukemia, etc.).
Go to http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/health-professionals/clinical-resources/chemotherapy-protocols
Chemotherapy Protocols
Skip to main content BC Cancer Systemic Therapy Program has placed summaries of specific treatment protocols on the website. These summaries are those in current use by the Systemic Therapy Program staff at all regional cancer centres. Both the format and content of the summaries will change as they are reviewed and revised on a periodic basis.