Category Archives: ideas I find interesting

UBC LipDub!

I *finally* was able to see UBC’s contribution to LipDub and I must say it brought a few tears to my eyes! I continue to be impressed by the energy, enthusiasm, and engagement of so many of our students here at UBC, and it was so fun to see some of my students taking part! Congratulations to all involved on a fantastic celebration of UBC-V!

Check it out here. Ok… break’s over… must get back to creating exams…

What do YOU think?

This trailer was put together by Michael Wesch, an Anthropologist asking big, provocative questions about education in a digital age.

The Visions of Students Today 2011 Remix One (Trailer)

What do you think? How do you view your education — in class and out?

Kids doing science… and publishing!

What a fabulous example of what can happen when people — kids! — have the opportunity to use the scientific method to make discoveries about life. This paper about bees was actually published in a scientific journal. Bravo to the journal editors and reviewers for publishing such a fine example of science fueled by curiosity. A worthwhile read! Thanks to friend and colleague Lesley Duncan for the recommendation!