
Welcome to the open access version of ETEC 565a, UBC MET program.

In this online seminar students will create a course prototype for online delivery; explore, experiment with and analyse the ways of integrating digital tools, platforms and interactive technologies for instruction;  develop skills in design, collaborative development and presentation of digital learning materials.

This course combines two Learning Management Systems (LMS) to organize learning and instructional communications: the UBC Word Press platform – for accessing the course content and for creating your individual ePortfolio (assignments and reflections) and the UBC Blackboard Connect platform (which will be migrated to the UBC Canvas platform during the year 2018) – for the password protected peer sharing, discussions, group collaboration, assignment submissions and grades.

Also, for your course projects you are offered to use the UBC hosted LMSs: Moodle, Edge EdX, Word Press, Bb Connect, and open access cloud-based learning platform Eliademy (developed in Finland).

Explore the course content navigating through the five Units (the upper menu bar). On the right side are the quick links to the course calendar and additional resources. I may add new or replace outdated links to this list. I hope you find the course material useful and enjoy sharing your projects and experimenting with the different platforms to design learning objects.

Instructor: Tatiana Bourlova