Unit 2 Discussions

Formulating learning objectives

Explore the strategies for developing learning objectives

A Primer on Writing Effective Learning-Centered Course Goals. Robert K. Noyd (DFB) & The Staff of The Center for Educational Excellence (CEE) US Air Force Academy (PDF);

Mager’s Tips on Instructional Objectives.Adapted and excerpted from: Mager, R.F. (1984). Preparing instructional objectives.(2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: David S. Lake. (web-page);

Worksheet: Course schedule,The University of Iowa, ITS (web-page);

Course objectives rubric The University of Iowa, CFT (PDF)

1. Formulate at least three learning objectives, to begin creating your course.

2. Add a short description of your course: a title, intended audience, and indicate the course delivery format (fully online, mixed mode etc).

3. Ask peers for feedback, share ideas and give suggestions on the learning objectives.

Add your post to the Week 3 discussion (BbConnect).


Analysis of a course structure and design

  1. Explore the catalogues of courses on five MOOC platforms: edX.org, futurelearn.com (The Open University), Coursera.org, Eliademy.com, lagunita.stanford.edu (Stanford online).
  2. In one of the catalogues choose a course that has already started, and “enrol” in it.
  3. Write a short critical overview of the course structure and design addressing the key characteristics. In your message include the the course title, the platform and the URL.

To explore a MOOC and to access the courses reviewed by your peers via the course URL, you may create your own account and sign up to these MOOCs, or use Student-Explorer courtesy accounts (see the BbConnect Weeks 4-5 discussion forum for the information)

Contribute to the Weeks 4-5 discussion, see the discussion’s head for the details about the student-explorer access to the courses reviewed by your peers  (BbConnect).


Course projects collection

This discussion space is designated for peer sharing and learning, discussing the technical details and design solutions your course prototype.

1. Post your project URL.

2. Describe the technical and pedagogical challenges you encountered, and the design solutions you implemented creating the course structure and navigation.

3. Use this discussion space to test your course accessibility, to share instructional design ideas, and learn from your peers.

Contribute to the Week 6/7 discussion; see the discussion’s head for the details on peer-student access to the projects  (BbConnect).