Course learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Selectively use Learning Management Systems (LMS), digital learning tools and media for instruction, considering their functionality (affordances and limitations) in specific organizational contexts;
  • Formulate sets of learning objectives and achieve these in the technology-dependent educational environments;
  • Broaden your professional expertise and skills in designing learning environments and implementing educational technologies;
  • Establish professional connections with colleagues and communities of practice.

Also you will design and create:

  • Your ETEC 565a ePortfolio, and use it for formulating and sharing your reflections, projects, and designer ideas with colleagues and peers;
  • Two elements of a course prototype: (1) an introductory module in the structured course outline and (2) one module of instruction; working with the following LMSs: BbConnect, Moodle, WordPress, Edge edX and Eliademy.
  • Online instructional communication unit and learning evaluation/assessment unit, as part of a course prototype published using your primary LMS or specialized platforms Edmodo, Piazza, Quizlet and Quizworks;
  • A digital presentation, using online multimedia tools of your choice and present it to your peers.