Two items of interest from the UBC Faculty Association this month. See above post. Sources from the Faculty Focus (click!) newsletter. Teaching evaluation ire The Association has called upon the university to put an immediate moratorium on the new teacher evaluation system to be implemented this term. The new system would see “modular” forms filled […]

Yesterday the Deans of Sauder, Arts, and Pharmacy faced off in an informal debate during the noon hour at the Norm theatre. All three deans launched with gusto into the topic of debate: “whose degree is better?”. Dean of Arts Nancy Gallini seamed to triumph decisively in the tongue-in-cheek verbal sparring, while Dean of Sauder, […]

Yesterday I was in for a bit of a shock. While poking around the UBC Planning and Institutional Research (PAIR) website (ie. ubc statistics), I noticed a startling statistic. In the faculty of science there are 11 full women professors, compared 146 full male professors. That’s right. 1/15th of the full professors in the faculty […]

There’s been a few new posts recently. Don’t forget to scroll down. What makes for great lobbying? What gets you in the news? Why do student governments agonize and student lobbies button up, while a comparatively small group rockets into national media coverage and affects actual national party policy? The lively example of the nascent […]

Student loan administrators have turned into activists! This article from this morning’s Globe and Mail. More need-based student aid urgedUniversal programs outpacing funding for those who need help, says a study by financial aid administratorsELIZABETH CHURCHFrom Monday’s Globe and MailAugust 27, 2007 at 4:37 AM EDT An increasing proportion of financial aid for postsecondary education […]

Does UBC need a VP Students?

Posted by: | June 15, 2007 | 6 Comments

Due to a hole in WordPress, this post’s author is misattributed. The follow was written by Tim Louman-Gardiner . Disclaimer: I have some privileged information on subjects related to this one. But any information contained herein comes from some other source; nothing in here is confidential in any way. Brian Sullivan has served as UBC’s […]

Aidha Shaikh – GSS councilor, AMS councilor, and Senator – gives us an account of yesterday’s senate meeting. Aidha can be contacted at aidhashaikh[at]gmail[dot]com. Agenda and materials are available HERE. 1: Proposal to extend Mid-Term Break in Term 2 2010 at UBC Vancouver (motion passed)The proposal made was to allow for midterm break to extend […]

Since these two events happened in the same day, and they’re not too lengthy, posts have been consolidated. The newest AMS committee, struck at the April 4th meeting had its first meeting yesterday. It has fairly broad aims: basically to prepare a framework for future AMS policy on matters of academic quality. That means setting […]

You’ve heard the stereotypes, and dismissed them as unfair, wrong, and outdated: engineers are chauvinistic egoists with iron rings on their pinkies; they’re an old-boys club and Mensa wrapped up into one; they look down upon women. I dismiss these stereotypes also. I know plenty of engineers that are charming, decent, gentle, open individuals. But […]

Grad School

Posted by: | April 22, 2007 | 2 Comments

Sigh.. since I’m graduating and looking at 10 more years of school (I wish I was kidding) here are a few links for your amusement: On being a graduate student (Simpson Style) Take 2

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