Another school term, another weblog

Fall term is here, which means my first full-time teaching gig in five years is underway. So far we’re still in the introductory phase, but even that’s been most cool — the participants are literally all over the world (far more dispersed than I expected), and bring an impressive array of backgrounds and interests to the course.

Being the one-or-two trick pony that I am, I’ve set up a complementary weblog which is at present intended to capture ongoing developments that are pertinent to the course. What it will turn into is anybody’s guess — I am hopeful that the course participants will have something to say about that.

I’ve also set up an aggregated feed of selected sources (with special assists from Blogdigger and Feed2JS), and am running it through the WebCT course environment as well as a page on the weblog itself. As of now I’m keeping the number of incoming feeds relatively minimal, but hopefully the makeup of the sources will evolve over the next few months.

I’ll be shamelessly recycling content from this weblog in this space. Because I don’t have that much content, dammit, and I can’t afford to waste any of it.

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...
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1 Response to Another school term, another weblog

  1. Greg G. says:

    Hi, I’m Greg from Blogdigger. Thanks for using the Groups app; I’d like to get your feedback to find out what we’re doing wrong, and hopefully, what we’re doing right. Thanks!

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