Photo by sephiramy
A more or less random sampling from my RSS newsreader:
Remember how the web (and “web 2.0”) were supposed to be a huge force of democratization? As we all know, time and again it turns into just another ad platform to sell lowest common denominator mass marketed commercial trash. That is really a tragedy.
When ReadWriteWeb is talking like this, then we know the times, they are a-changin’…
A few of us old dudes saw this sad moment coming. The best thing about aging is preemptive disillusionment.
Sometimes I think Web 2.0 may at least be agile, and if that’s not as good as democratic, it may be good enough to keep the light shining….
True, that.
I did.
Oddly, this post has helped me a lot. Thanks!
can’t democratization and concentration happen at the same time?
can’t democratization and monetization/concentration happen at the same time?