Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Web 2.0 nightmare, part 1: a sell-out, who knew?

Photo by sephiramy A more or less random sampling from my RSS newsreader: Remember how the web (and “web 2.0”) were supposed to be a huge force of democratization? As we all know, time and again it turns into just … Continue reading

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Web 2.0 nightmare, part 2: personal data

I’m not sure how many of our friends to the south are aware of this, but using web services hosted in the United States is deemed to be a threat to the rights of Canadian students. Indeed, a public institution … Continue reading

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Next week @ UBC: Discussions on Facebook; Wikis and Open Education

Photo by psd No point easing into the new term, and out here at the UBC Mothership Campus there’s going to be a couple enlightening and provocative events to get 2009 rolling… Next Tuesday, January 13th, 10am – noon, (Dodson … Continue reading

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Barca! [sob] Barca! [sniff] BAAAARR-CA!

A snap from the daily commute, in the neighborhood Most of you never been, and never will you go to Barcelona So I have to tell you, what I now know about Barcelona – Bonnie “Prince” Billy [The rest of … Continue reading

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Photo by Juan Freire Being an anxious sort, I’ve worried a lot about whether I have provided my wonderful hosts at the IN3 at the UOC (not to mention my accommodating peers at OLT-UBC) with fair value for the considerable … Continue reading

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It seems I’m always too slow when it comes to grading

It came as an unpleasant shock to realize that I had completely failed to respond to or even acknowledge some pretty amazing feedback for an admittedly tentative post I wrote floating an alternative grading structure for essays. I feel like … Continue reading

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Racing to the finish line…

Part of me feels as if I have just arrived, but in fact this is my last week working at the UOC. Like every other week, it’s been a blur so far. Monday was a whirlwind of meetings with the … Continue reading

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“When I’m drivin’ free, the world’s my home” …more on going mobile.

Photo by drp @import url(; The Who – Going mobile Found at Dec 2, 2008 UPDATE: Added link to João Fernandes’ blog. Ever since I acquired a certain much-hyped fetish object, I’ve accepted on some sort of instinctive level … Continue reading

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A tag-based indexer for items in D(elicious)Space?

cloudythinking, originally uploaded by zanzo. I mentioned in my previous post that Julià Minguillón and I have been throwing around Mike Caulfield’s suggestion that we think about how we might exploit a third party system with a good API such … Continue reading

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My network kicks ass …DSpace social layer update

Kicking ass chart, Emerging Tech 2008, San Diego, CA.JPG, originally uploaded by gruntzooki. I posted some early work that I have been doing with Julià Minguillón and his team here at the UOC on trying to make the act of … Continue reading

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