Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Moose on a rampage…

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Intensive Northern Voice Planning @ Bryght, originally uploaded by MrGluSniffer. The Northern Voice planning group received … Continue reading

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This week’s installment of Relevant Connections hits a little close to home. Been known to dabble in piracy too.

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Gut-check time: a couple pokes as The Great Flattener

It’s going to be a full-tilt sprint until the end of term, and among the tasks on my docket this week is writing 500 words for media consumption on immersive spaces such as Second Life — always fun to write … Continue reading

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All Hail the Mighty Moose

Friday is the final deadline for session proposal submissions for the third annual Northern Voice — a conference dedicated to weblogs and social software hosted here at UBC, February 23-24. Attendee registration is also open, and a mere fifty bucks … Continue reading

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A quick pointer to some slow reading…

Via OLDaily, Norm Friesen has just posted the third installment of his “E-Learning Myths” series, this one entitled The Myth of the Knowledge Economy. It ain’t easy reading, but I wish every edublogger who has praised The World is Flat … Continue reading

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Abject apologies…

So if it ain’t trying to keep up with grading, or the annual grant writing frenzy, it’s something else… I’m having enough trouble keeping up with email. And I won’t even get into the local boil-water advisories and Vancouver’s annual … Continue reading

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In which I offer guidance to the next generation of leaders…

Nov. 28 – Update below… Last night I received the following communication in my UBC email inbox, with a blank subject line: Dear Mr. Lamb, My name is J***** P*****, I’m currently a Junior in high school doing a project … Continue reading

Posted in Abject Learning | 6 Comments

A day at the races…

.flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; } .flickr-yourcomment { } .flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; } .flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Nice spot for a track, originally uploaded by MrGluSniffer. The blog has been quiet, and I … Continue reading

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At UBC this Thursday next Tuesday? Check out this session…

I want to throw a quick shout out for this next week’s installment of the Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) series, which features three of our university’s most accomplished instructors: Community Building and Student Engagement: A Multidisciplinary Panel Tuesday, … Continue reading

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Ignominy or triumph for the flatlanders?

I was too tired to write a proper summary of the mind-altering NMC Regional Conference on the flight back, and today is not the day either… Because the Saskatchewan Roughriders, the only sports team that matters, improbably won their game … Continue reading

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