Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

Uploading image test

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Force-feeding our kids deep fat: a collection of curses

This story about a local school’s doomed attempt to loosen the grip of fast food on its students has had my gander up for a few days… if you read this weblog for strictly professional interest, you might want to … Continue reading

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Talking to or about each other?

Evan posts some thoughts on the nature of communication in the Ed Tech weblog (non?)community: I have a visual representation in my head of the blogging community. A bunch of people talking out loud, but never actually talking to each … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 3 Comments

Belated attribution

Back in the day I cited a posting by Sebastien Paquet on the concept of trojanmice. Though I linked to the original page, I did not explicitly credit Peter Fryer, who originally wrote the description. Sorry Peter. Bad blog! Bad! … Continue reading

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The guts of a standards compliant repository…

Perusing the newly-released LOM/CanCore-based Open-Source Software Components was a humbling experience for me. The page promised that the code being offered included “interfaces, APIs (Application Program Interfaces), or schemas for working with LOM (Learning Object Metadata) or LOR (Learning Object … Continue reading

Posted in tech/tools/standards | 1 Comment

Rss title feed test

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Proof positive of the Mac’s superior usability design

A short step from blocks to OSX I wasn’t even awake when my fifteen-month old son Harry walked into our bedroom, booted up our iMac, loaded a word processing program and started typing. I’m still trying to figure out how … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 1 Comment

Connecting LOs with RSS, Trackback and Weblogs; Learning Objects: Believe it or Not!

Many thanks to the fabulous, most-groovy Alan Levine for posting a couple of multimedia extravaganzas of personal interest to me: 1) Connecting LOs with RSS, Trackback and Weblogs: this is a version of a presentation created by Alan, D’Arcy Norman … Continue reading

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Hey! There are learning objects there after all!

Two years ago, when I was a researcher at the now-deceased Technical University of British Columbia (TechBC), it was my job to identify existing LOs from other contexts and funnel them to our own course developers. I came out of … Continue reading

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Maggot Art: a fantastic new teaching tool for use in the elementary school setting

“Grandpa Needs a Shave” by Rebecca Bullard We use only non-toxic water-based paints to make Maggot Art

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