Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

SOAPed Up and Ready

I previously posted on this metadata repository built by Ming Chen, for a project at UBC’s Faculty of Applied Science led by Jim Sibley. The new look and feel I mentioned has been implemented for App Sci’s LO management needs. … Continue reading

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LO Development Workshop @ UBC

One reason why this space was so quiet last week was that I was hunkered down in a near-frenzy preparing for May 15th’s full-day LO development workshop. It was sponsored by MAPLE, and held at UBC’s Distance Education and Technology … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia, Objects | Tagged | 1 Comment

RSS Feeds via Javascript

Most of the substance of these tips are bouncing around elsewhere, but now Alan, with some help from D’Arcy, wrap up the key elements of rendering RSS feeds into any web presentation (page, weblog, course) in a nice tidy package: … Continue reading

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The Eater of Meaning

Fun with The Eater of Meaning. My weblog title and blurb spit back out as: Objected Leaks Reuniting meddler, webs, andrews lotus of fuzziness stunts nearby… I like what it does to the weblogs on my blogroll. If you are … Continue reading

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A free access, online, peer-reviewed, instructional technology journal??

I assume that most people who read this weblog also read David Wiley’s autounfocus — and do so before checking out my own untidy little corner of the web. But in the interests of spreading the word on a promising … Continue reading

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Blogs and Wikis: Environments for On-line Collaboration

This article from the journal Language and Learning Technology looks at blogs and wikis specifically from the perspective of language learning, though its key points are fairly universal. The abstract: Language professionals have embraced the world of collaborative opportunities the … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 3 Comments

Hey look! It’s a learning object repository!

An interesting initiative here at UBC is a homegrown repository project that is nearing completion. While the functionality isn’t about to knock CAREO or DSpace off the Internet, it does have its points. It can sit on almost any box … Continue reading

Posted in Objects | 1 Comment

Hey look! It’s a learning object repository!

An interesting initiative here at UBC is a homegrown repository project that is nearing completion. While the functionality isn’t about to knock CAREO or DSpace off the Internet, it does have its points. It can sit on almost any box … Continue reading

Posted in Objects | 1 Comment

Learning Object Bard of the Blogosphere

Some may say that reading your own referral logs reveals passive egomania lurking in the dark heart of the weblogger. But had I never checked the list of referrers to this site I would never have discovered openobjects: constructing learning … Continue reading

Posted in Webloggia | 1 Comment

RSS: A case for unsyndication

Zeldman has a new RSS 2.0 feed, but isn’t too thrilled about it, judging from a posting entitled unsyndicate: We can readily see the benefits of an RSS feed for BBC News, and it also makes sense on sites where … Continue reading

Posted in XML/RSS | 2 Comments