Author Archives: Brian

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...

“A Beginners Guide to Joining the Instructional Technology Blog Scene” — Part II (Electric Boogaloo)

David Wiley has posted an excellent primer for anyone in this field who has been watching the EduBloggers and who would like to get in on the action. David’s piece covers most of the necessary bases, and he even provides … Continue reading

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Yet more webloggia and WebCT…

There’s been lots of fun buzz on RSS and LOs the past couple of days, much of it coming from Alan and D’Arcy’s experiments with Trackback features… (the latest developments here and here). If you’re anything like me, this bit … Continue reading

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How-to for RSS in WebCT

A few people have added comments to the post below, asking for a clearer set of instructions on how it’s done. Thankfully, my colleague Cyprien Lomas has just built one… And of course, as David Carter-Tod notes, this application is … Continue reading

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Displaying RSS Feeds in WebCT

click to see full-size image Above is a screenshot of three live RSS feeds displayed within a WebCT course in Geology — one of LOs, one of industry white papers, and a third of general science news from New Scientist. … Continue reading

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Shhh! Don’t tell anybody…

I’ve been lucky enough to play around with Alan Levine of the Maricopa Learning Exchange and D’Arcy Norman of CAREO, bouncing email back and forth around the intersections between LOs, weblogs, RSS, and all that groovy stuff. Truth be told, … Continue reading

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Shhh! Don’t tell anybody…

I’ve been lucky enough to play around with Alan Levine of the Maricopa Learning Exchange and D’Arcy Norman of CAREO, bouncing email back and forth around the intersections between LOs, weblogs, RSS, and all that groovy stuff. Truth be told, … Continue reading

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Shhh! Don’t tell anybody…

I’ve been lucky enough to play around with Alan Levine of the Maricopa Learning Exchange and D’Arcy Norman of CAREO, bouncing email back and forth around the intersections between LOs, weblogs, RSS, and all that groovy stuff. Truth be told, … Continue reading

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An Open Source Reading List

Books and Articles Via open education content, via Dave Beckett

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A History of Interaction Design

A real fine presentation (PDF 3.2 MB) from Marc Rettig… and you can actually pull some sense from the slides. Via David Crow, via Anne Galloway, via peterme…

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Three Objections to Learning Objects

Lots of bloggers have linked to Norm Friesen’s latest paper, with justification. I would think that the toughest part of writing a paper like this is limiting the objections to three. Objection 1: What’s a learning object, anyway? The term … Continue reading

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