Category Archives: Uncategorized

A big step up for small online presentation pieces

About once every two weeks, somebody asks me about tools that can take a set of PowerPoint slides and convert them into a web-accessible format with audio narration. There are a number of systems that do this, of course, but … Continue reading

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Dr. Mashup; or, Why Educators Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Remix

The voracious demands of my rampaging ego compel me to point towards an article just published in the latest issue of EDUCAUSE Review on mashups in higher education (HTML and PDF). This wasn’t an easy article to write, in part … Continue reading

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White Stripes, eh?

White Stripes free show in Whitehorse shared CC by nordicshutter A few weeks back I wrote a huzzah for the way the White Stripes were approaching their Canadian tour, going to every province and territory, playing gigs in small venues … Continue reading

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Google does evil…

…but hey, it’s their obligation to their shareholders, right? It was just their way of having… a bit of fun, the swines. Strange thing is they make such bloody good cameras web applications. As a comic in all seriousness, I … Continue reading

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Udell meets Willinsky…

On the public construction of knowledge, the nature of education, and all sorts of groovy stuff nearby… just go listen.

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Getting beyond centralized technologies in higher education – Ed-Media Symposium

One of the benefits of being based in Vancouver is that over the course of a typical year at least three or four major events will take place that don’t involve travel. (Although typically, it’s harder to truly engage a … Continue reading

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Hit-and-run recapsulets…

Three fairly intense events in the last week, on top of the usual work stuff (busier than usual)… but people have been asking how things went, so I’ll toss up yet another self-absorbed progress report. I am looking forward to … Continue reading

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Don’t call it a Creative Commons reflection

So last week’s workshops on Creative Commons and Digital Images both went reasonably well – thankfully Joy, Hilde and Jeff were all stunningly effective co-facilitators. The CC workshop was enlivened by the attendance of Ciaran Llachlan Leavitt, who was interjecting … Continue reading

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Another tough gig – I enter the lion’s den

A few months back I got an intriguing invitation. An organizer for the IT4BC conference, a gathering of IT staff from the province’s educational instituions, wrote to tell me that I had been nominated as a keynote speaker. An anonymous … Continue reading

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The Future of Education – online conference, going, going…

I’ve been traveling and presenting (not to mention trying to keep up with my real work) non-stop this week, so I haven’t had much chance to participate in The Future of Education online conference that’s been going on. But I … Continue reading

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