Category Archives: Uncategorized

How do you like the new design?

Move over D’Arcy, I’m gunning for your “most beautiful” title. Update: I should note that the line above was my feeble attempt at humour. I made an ill-advised attempt to refresh my templates (our crack support staff did an upgrade … Continue reading

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Quickie Folksonomy Screencast

I bashed out this screencast on the basics of folksonomies (requires QuickTime, 19MB). This one was recorded live with the built-in laptop mic (so my keyboard rattles like cannon fire). It does not pretend to be a comprehensive or deep … Continue reading

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Linux on my Mac

I’ve been doing an increasing amount of grumbling about the performance of my Mac, which may be unfair as I likely need to upgrade some hardware and do some file maintenance and cleanup. But I’ve also been noting some behaviour … Continue reading

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Doing it Writely on the wrong side of town…

I know I’m not exactly breaking a hot new story here, but I wanted to offer a shout-out for Writely, a very slick writing app that is a cross between a synchronous wiki (that allows multiple concurrent editors) and an … Continue reading

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Special guest post – Rheostatics do the Tarlek

Herb Tarlek is still ready to sell, but only to the Rheostatics. “Frank Bonner appears as his character, Herb Tarlek, from the sit-com WKRP in Cincinatti that ran from 1978 to 1982. Mr. Bonner apparently gets similar requests all the … Continue reading

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Oiled up and ready to offend

As a follow-up to my other politically-themed post, thank you D’Arcy for stepping forward with some thoughtful and necessary discussion on the implications of the petroleum economy. (Some good comments there too.) To be honest, most of my periodic blogger-funks … Continue reading

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Free Space

Martha Burtis points to this welcome and heartfelt plea from Danah Boyd “capturing why it is that we need to allow space online for young people — and why we need to step aside and let them fill those spaces”: … Continue reading

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Social software short shorts

Like half the blogosphere (saw it from Josie first) I am giving Suprglu a shot. I think it will make a nice presentation space for the current run of RipMixFeed for the Text Technologies course, which is just getting started. … Continue reading

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We now begin our descent…

Unlike D’Arcy and his family, who chose to emphasize the festive, even wholesome appeal of Halloween, way out here our own recognitions took on a darker, uncanny cast, spiraling into a maelstrom of the senses…

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Oh, the indignity…

First I write a long-ish posting about my presentation at NERCOMP, and the event itself, and what a brilliant guy Bryan Alexander is, and how much I enjoyed the other speakers, and spice it up with copius details about long … Continue reading

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