After a lengthy, lengthy revision process my theoretical paper has been accepted for publication at PSPR, which is the top review journal within social/personality psychology. I’m thrilled with this news! The first draft of this paper formed one of my comps requirements in December 2006. Then I adapted it for the intro to my dissertation proposal, then the intro to my dissertation. I first submitted to PSPR in May 2009, just before my dissertation defense last year, revised it in December, and again in May/June 2010. Wow! What a process! I learned so much through those various drafts about writing and thinking and collaborating. Kathleen Vohs, my co-author, was a powerful, amazing force for facilitating that learning. Here’s the citation:
Rawn, C. D., & Vohs, K. D. (in press). People Use Self-Control to Risk Personal Harm: An Intra-Interpersonal Dilemma. Personality and Social Psychology Review.