What a start to the term! It’s so easy to forget how much energy and stamina is needed to teach with enthusiasm. One month away from the classroom and after 2 days I’m exhausted! But I’ll find a new rhythm soon enough.
All my classes have now been started. It’s been fun getting to meet new students and to welcome back familiar faces… and only, um, a tad hectic behind the scenes.
Both my new courses started off with some activities that seemed to engage and intrigue… and maybe even relieve! (Comment below with your thoughts if you were there!) For example, yesterday in 218 (stats), I brought a bunch of Psychological Science journals and asked people to flip through results sections and find statistical concepts that were familiar at least a little. There were concepts from the whole course! Really helped to show that we’ll just be building off familiar ideas, which (I hope) made it not so scary. Thanks for participating, everyone! Looking forward to another adventure tomorrow.