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Keep checking for marketing studies for extra marks

I asked Kirk Kristofferson, the PhD student who visited our class last month to talk about participating in marketing studies for extra marks in COMM 296, about the number of eligible studies available on the Marketing Behavioural Lab website and what might be coming down the pipe for you. This was his reply:

There are 2 studies going on right now that have 200 slots per study. There will also be more going next week, and after reading week until the end of semester, so no need for them to stress. They just have to check often and sign up when they can. 

I have posted a link to the Marketing Behavioural Lab sign-up system in the “Tools & Resources” folder on Vista. Check the site regularly to catch studies in which you can participate, because new opportunities are added all the time.

I also recommend that you don’t leave these studies until the last minute, because there’s often a rush for spots at the end of the term, when everyone is desperate for extra marks… It is all done on a first come, first served basis, and when they’re gone, they’re gone.

One final note: remember that you can earn either a bonus mark or money from a study, but not both. The studies that specify that they are for financial compensation cannot be traded for course marks. Make sure you read the study details very carefully before signing up.


Double-check your iClicker tracking

I have synchronized your iClicker registrations from Vista with the iClicker data collected so far, and you can see the results in your gradebook on Vista. In general, you receive 1 mark per correct multiple choice answer + 1 mark per class for answering 100% of the iClicker questions that day, regardless of whether they were right or wrong answers.

So… if you have:

  1. registered your iClicker on Vista; and
  2. got at least one multiple choice question correct in at least one class so far

…then you should have at least a point or two showing up in Vista.

If you meet these requirements but nothing is there, please take the following steps to try to solve the problem BEFORE you email me:

  1. Double-check that your iClicker has fresh batteries.
  2. Make sure you have registered your iClicker on Vista.
  3. Make sure you know how to set your iClicker fequency to BC for our classroom.

Note: iClicker marks did not start counting toward your participation grade until after the Add/Drop deadline.

Introducing your Class Liaisons

Thank you to these four fine class liaisons! They did not hesitate in volunteering to help you and me this term.

  • Section 201 (10-11:30 am): Austin Smith,
  • Section 202 (11:30 am-1 pm): Nadia Gunderson,
  • Section 203 (1-2:30 pm): Maria Jose Fernandez,
  • Section 204 (2:30-4 pm): Alli Radiuk,

If there is anything about the course that you do not feel comfortable speaking about directly with me, please approach your respective class liaison, who will bring it forward to me on your behalf.

Reminder: Intro Cards for next class

Please remember to fill out the following information on the index card I gave you and bring it to next class:

  • Your full name
  • Your preferred first name for use in class
  • Your option (i.e. which business major will you choose/have you chosen?), if you know
  • Something unique about you

If you missed the first class, you can use a standard 4″x6″ index card to create your own Intro Card for me. Thanks!

Welcome to Introduction to Marketing

We have an exciting, busy term ahead of us, so I encourage you to jump in wholeheartedly.

Regardless of the option you choose, marketing is an important element of your professional and business training. For example, did you know that 3 of every 8 CEOs have a marketing background, and that marketing costs = approx. 50% of product costs? And if nothing else, keep in mind that you will eventually graduate with hundreds of other Sauder BComs and thousands of business students from other schools (and that’s just in your grad year alone!). That’s some stiff competition, and many of you will graduate with the exact same credentials. How are you going to stand out? Through effective marketing, that’s how.

So hang on, because we’re going to move quickly. I look forward to guiding you through Introduction to Marketing!