Author Archives: abbyperehudoff

Meat you in Heaven?

Anyone that knows me knows that I eat, sleep, and love vegetables. I have been a vegetarian for the last 3 years. People always tend to ask me why I do it? The truth is that you can reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people are becoming more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. In fact, animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are even becoming vegetarian because they are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why people go on a vegetarian diet is because of the health benefits.

All meat in general is not good for you as it has many negative effects on the body. This is especially true if you eat red meat, as it has much more fat compared to white meat. Excessive intake of fats into the body can result in having a high level of cholesterol.

A study done at Oxford of 44,500 people showed that people were 32% less likely to die or need hospital treatment as a result of heart disease. Now I’m no statistician but 32% is a huge number seeing, as heart disease is the number cause of death in North America. Heart disease is responsible for about 29,340 out of 100,000 deaths per year that’s almost 70,000 deaths per year in Canada alone. Not to mention that Canadian acute care hospitals handle almost three million hospitalizations due to heart disease and account for 17% of total hospitalizations per year.

Heart disease occurs when the heart’s own blood supply becomes blocked up by fatty deposits in the arteries that nourish the heart muscle. It can cause angina or even lead to a heart attack if the blood vessels become completely blocked.

Most heart attacks happen when a clot in the coronary artery blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart. A blockage that is not treated within a few hours causes the affected heart muscle to die.
Image: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Diseases and Conditions Index

Scientists at Oxford University analyzed data from 15,100 vegetarians and 29,400 people who ate meat and fish. Over the course of 11 years, 169 participants in the study died from heart disease and 1,066 needed hospitalization – and they were more likely to have been meat and fish eaters than vegetarians. The results also showed that vegetarians had lower blood pressure, lower levels of “bad” cholesterol and were more likely to be at a healthy weight. Moreover, vegetarians had a 32% lower risk of heart disease than non-vegetarians.

Now I’m not advocating that everyone eats a vegetarian diet. Vegetarians have a lower intake of saturated fats so it makes sense that there is a lower risk of heart weight. All I’m saying that incorporating more vegetables into your diet instead of meat and fish could ultimately save your life. 

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Ahchoo: Oh no not the flu!

Flu season is gearing up here in Canada so I figured it to be a good time to talk about the flu. Three years ago, there was an unusual flu outbreak with a nasty variant that seemed like it could turn into a pandemic. This year is also a non-typical flu season, as most seasons are. The rate of influenza infection has been on the rise early this year. This means either one of two things: it could mean we are having a flu season that will normalize once it is all over but shifted early or it could mean that we are having a very bad flu season, during which we will see a high peak rate of infection and what we are seeing now is just the beginning.

Flu Trends in BC. Canada: Influenza-like illness (ILI) data provided publicly by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Doctors recommend that everyone that is 6 months of age or older get the flu shot. If you already got a flu shot this year,  your immune system has been signaled to prepare itself for the invasion of three different strains of flu. A mild reaction such as soreness, headaches and fevers are common side effects of the flu vaccine. There is no downside to getting the flu vaccine other than a few mild side effects, in fact, if more people got the flu vaccine there would be less people getting sick and dying from the influenza virus.

So the question is, “Do I really need to get the flu shot every year?” and to be honest it really depends who you are and who you are around. If you’ve just had a baby, hang out with your grandparents a lot or hang out with someone who is immune-comprised, you’d better get the shot otherwise you risk giving the virus to those who already have a weaker immune system. If you’re a student then getting the vaccine might not be so dramatic although dorms, gyms and schools are warm and moist and what virus isn’t going to love that combination, its basically a giant petri dish. If one person gets sick, everyone gets sick. So it really comes down to can you afford to be sick.

There is no benefit to getting sick with the influenza virus. In fact, there is no reason to even get the influenza virus. We have a vaccine. Yes, there is always the risk that the vaccine may not contain the correct strains and you might get sick anyways but might as well stack the deck in your favor to keep yourself from getting sick.

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