Author Archives: ashkannasr

What do you know about “humanized mice”?

Ordinarily, doctors wouldn’t have much choice for a 56-year-old patient with advanced colon cancer which is one of the deadliest diagnoses, but to try chemotherapy drugs  one after the other each coming with their own massive side effects or to strike the tumour with a bunch of different chemicals that appeared to be functional in previous cases. But today, doctors have a new brilliant option! And that is to try out potential treatments on mice. Scientists were able to  plant human tumours in mice before; yet, there was no guarantee as to how the mice would metabolically react with the implant. That is, if the mice’s reactions would be in anyway similar to that of humans.

Mouse being injected with chemotherapy drugs, credit: Aaron, from

In a new approach by Alice Chen, the Lemelsen-MIT prize winner at the University of Stanford in the U.S, young mice are engineered to lack immune systems and then receive portions of human immune system as transplants. As the mice grow older, they tend to develop a very human-like immune response system which, as a result, reacts to drugs and infectious agents just as human immune system would.

Dale Greiner of the University of Massachusetts Medical School said: “the idea is that you can take human immune systems and put them in a mouse and make them functional, and by doing so you can manipulate them as if you were manipulating little humans without ever putting patients at risk.

Here is a video of Alice Chen explaining how she first invented this method by transplanting human liver cells into humanized mice.

YouTube Preview Image This video is from the youtube username Lemelson MIT

Already using this technique, for many cancer patients, scientists have been able to identify the correct treatment before therapeutically testing the drug on the patient. For instance, scientists at UC Davis of California have been able to develop a new drug delivery system for bladder cancer using humanized mice. In their experiment, mice were specially injected with bladder cancer cells from the patients with the disease and the new treatment method was tried out a dozen times on a number of these mice throughout the project. This way, the most reliable treatment was identified and used on human subjects.

Making Mice More Human, Credit: E. Feliciano, from

But this is not the end! Humanized mice are not only useful in cancer treatment, but in studying the effect of infectious agents such as HIV and dengue virus,  and complex diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis  and diabetes. For instance, Doctor Greiner, studies the immune system in hyperglycaemic mice in pursue of a better understanding and therefore cure for type one diabetes which is an autoimmune disease.

Although the day your family doctor will be able to grow a colony of  your personal humanized mice is still years away, this is definitely a revolutionary technique to attempt at fighting diseases that we have yet to cure.

-Ashkan Nasr


Can perfect pitch be learned or does one have to be born with this ‘gift’?

Popularly known as perfect pitch, absolute pitch is the ability to identify and reproduce musical notes without any external reference or guidance. Many geneticists today have hypothesized that this unique ability is found in people who have a certain set of rare ‘music genes’. However, this is not to say that only people with these genes can have the absolute pitch ability. Here is a video of a young boy calling out the notes as his brother plays them on the Piano:

YouTube Preview Image

The ability to identify musical notes in a song is very much the same as the ability to identify different colours in a picture. This apparently simple task happens in your brain so naturally as if you are born with it. But, the fact is that you are born with the capacity to learn it and not the ability itself. If you weren’t exposed to early training in the task you would not be able to carry it out today. Perfect pitch ability is the exact same, you are born with the capacity to learn it, but if you do not practice and train early enough you will not be able to use it later.

Picture by Zupao. Source:

There is a vast ongoing research called the University of California Genetics of Absolute Pitch Study  which is led by Doctor Jane Gitschier. This study which is open to public, consists of two online components: a brief survey and a pitch-naming test through which people with absolute pitch ability will be identified. Those of whom pass the test will be asked to send a blood sample for futher genetic testing. Through this study, Dr. Gitschier and her colleagues  have found that many absolute pitch individuals started pitch-traning before the age of seven. This finding supports the fact that the perfect pitch ability can be learned if practice and training begins early in life. However, another interesting finding of this study magnifies the importance of the genetics component in development of this ability. That is, a person with a sibling who has the absolute pitch ability is 15 times more likely to acquire the ability as opposed to an individual who does not have any family background in absolute pitch. Here is a short video summarizing Dr. Gitschier’s study:

Additionally, a new article published by the Journal of Acoustic Society of America states that children speaking tonal languages such as Mandarin and Vietnamese are up to nine times higher chance of developing the absolute pitch ability. This is because in these languages there are words that have different meanings if spoken in different pitches. In Mandarin the word “ma” if spoken in a high pitch means mom, and if in a lower pitch means horse.

Picture by: Zokoy. Source:

All in all, Even though  One in every 10,000 Americans  have a genetic advantage and children with tonal mother languages have a slightly higher chance of learning this ability, you shouldn’t feel discouraged if you are not a part of either group. Many people today are learning the absolute pitch ability by taking the lessons early and practicing everyday.

Ashkan Nasr