Tag Archives: Non-verbal Communication

Robot Invasion?

With the drastic increase of technology in robotics in the past decade, should we be fearful robots will take our jobs in the future?

Robot apocalypse anyone?
(via Flickr: A.G Photography)

Posdoctoral research fellow Brian Gleeson in the University of British Columbia computer science department doesn’t believe so – his paper “Gestures for Industry” seeks to push the boundaries of human interactions with robots in a society where mass production is essential for satisfying the demand for goods by consumers.

Significant technological advancements in relatively short periods of time have not only resulted in better household goods, but have also extended to the production process itself. The use of robots in every nook and cranny of industrial assembly lines has allowed for faster, more efficient production of goods. However, over the years, the transition to more mechanized labour has come under fire from the human workforce – many fear for the security of their jobs.

This video below shows the progress of technology and robotics, and what this implies for job security:

YouTube Preview Image(Youtube via CurtMattack)

Technological advancements are showing no signs of slowing down, so are robots destined to take over the production process entirely?

Fortunately not, and many will take comfort in learning that the “Gestures for Industry” paper explores the integration of robotic assistants to increase efficiency, safety and to reduce stress on workers.

Dr. Gleeson has extensively studied human-human interactions, as well as human-robot interactions using only hand gestures to accomplish various tasks. Through this, they discovered that participants, human or robot, must know what the task is ahead of time. For example, knowing whether the task is placing a part in a specific location or manipulating multiple parts is imperative to fully understanding their partner’s hand gestures. Just like the human-human teams, the human-robot teams were able to perform these tasks that communicated specific details without any vocal, touch or eye communication. Dr. Gleeson’s research is one of the first stepping-stones towards human-robot interactions and the future implications of these findings are endless.

These are the types of one-armed robots Brian Gleeson and his team work on.
(via Wikimedia: Lionel Allorge)

The podcast below provides insight on Brian Gleeson’s study and delves into the future of robotics.

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

While the field of robotics is undoubtedly advancing at a significant rate, human workers need not be concerned with being out of a job. Dr. Gleeson states that robots have already replaced humans in the workforce wherever possible, and that the next step to a safer, more efficient production process requires humans and robots to coexist and cooperate with each other, ultimately resulting in a higher standard of living.

On a side-note, a recent article from Forbes reports robots will actually create more jobs.

– Nicole Gehring, Harleen Kalra, Curtis Ma, Alvinesh Singh

Technological Advance: Resistance May Be Futile

Are you one of those smart phone users who simply can’t be parted from your phone, or one of those wifi junkies who travel from hotspot to hotspot simply looking for your next fix? Well there may be good news for you, as scientists from Duke University School of Medicine have been working on a way to mind meld humans with technology. That’s right, just like the Borg, you too could become one with machine and share a single consciousness with all of your friends! Okay, well maybe not just yet, but they’re certainly making advances in that direction.

YouTube Preview Image

We are the Borg. Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilated.

Courtesy of ragokin via Youtube

That’s right all you Trekkies, resistance may soon enough be futile, as researchers from Duke have successfully linked a pair of rat brains. Using arrays of microelectrodes, researchers attached the motor cortexes of the two rat brains. This allowed the two rats to transmit and receive tactile and motor information to and from each other at will.

In their experiment, both rats were trained to perform certain tasks based on certain stimulus. The rats were then put into separate testing areas and connected via this brain linkage – one was only given the stimulus and the other was put in the response area. The experimenters ran a number of different tests; from making one rat push certain levers based on what light another was shown, to making one rat believe that it had detected infrared light, when there was no light source present. The results were astounding to researchers, as in their first test, the rats achieved a 70% success rate, which was only just slightly less than the maximum 78% success rate that the researchers had deemed possible. Although the experiments were all different, the results were all significant, showing that the rats were consciously communicating. Furthermore, it appeared that the communication was not a one-way street, but instead that the rats were responding to one another. This was indicated by slight changes in the rats’ brain function and behavior – a behavior believed to be as a result of a mutual and concerted effort.

To put all doubt to rest as well as to test the bounds of the connection, the researchers separated the two rats completely – not just in different testing rooms or different buildings, but on two completely different continents. The rat receiving the stimulus was put in Natal, Brazil and the rat performing the actions was put in Durham, N.C., USA. The connection was established using an Internet connection. Miguel Pais-Vera, PhD, was amazed that even despite the distance and the lag associated with Internet connections, the rats were still able to complete the tasks while maintaining a significant level of success. He continued by saying that this research was promising and that in time “it could be possible the create a workable, network of animal brains distributed in many different locations.”


If not the Borg, it may be a bit closer to this.

Courtesy of Its me simon, via Flickr Creative Commons

– Brian Kahnamelli