Author Archives: briankahnamelli

The Seaweed is Always Greener in Another Pond

When you ask a group of people to name Earth’s most important group of organisms you’ll receive a variety of answers. Regardless of whether or not they have a scientific background, you will rarely hear anyone say algae. However, as more and more research accumulates, it is becoming clearer and clearer that the correct answer might just be algae. That’s right, that weird green and red slime that you see at the beach is by far one the most important group of organisms on this planet.


Courtesy of Arthur Chapman via Flickr Creative Commons

Whether it is green, brown, or red, algae are the most important organisms you have probably never considered before. Consider the following: the breath of fresh oxygen that you’ve been enjoying while reading this sentence, as well as every other breath you have taken in your life, is mostly thanks to oceanic algae. In fact, it is estimated that about 70 – 80% of the oxygen we breathe is a product of algal photosynthesis. This is an astounding figure, especially when most people consider our forests to be our source of O2. And it’s not just oxygen that algae provide humans with.


Courtesy of Oregon State Parks’ via Flickr Creative Commons

Have you ever enjoyed a nice scoop of ice cream on a hot summer’s day? Have you ever enjoyed a dairy product, or bread, or canned meat? If the answer to any of these is yes, then you might just have to send thanks to algae. Algae are a source of agar, which acts as a thickener, and is an additive in nearly everything, from food to cosmetics. Agar is also irreplaceable in fields of science such as biology and pharmacy where organism growth is a key part of research.

Courtesy of Kate Donkin via Flickr Creative Commons

Algae don’t just provide a medium for biological and health related research – even before the emergence of science, as we know it, Corallinae algae were used for thousands of years as an anti-worm remedy. Nowadays, algae are still used in the healthcare industry. Corallinae, with their structure and calcium content have been found to greatly enhance bone regeneration, extracts from the Dumontiaceae algal family have been shown to inhibit the herpes virus in non-human patients, and Carrageens, which are extracted from red algae, are currently an active ingredient in a number of anti-viral drugs.

Recently, algae have begun to play an even more important role in our lives. With global warming becoming a larger and larger concern, Exxon, BP, and Chevron have started to grow and harvest large quantities of algae for biofuel. Not only does the use of biofuel prevent the environmentally destructive harvest of non-peak oil, but the growth of large amounts of algae also acts to remove a significant amount of C02 from the atmosphere. On a smaller scale, a French scientist has started working on a unique algal lamp. These lamps, using just oxygen, a small internal light source, and photosynthetic algae produce both light and oxygen, consuming only CO2. And the quantity of CO2 is substantial – it is estimated that a single lamp uses 150-200x the amount of CO2 annually that a tree will use in its lifetime.

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Courtesy of shamengo2 via Youtube

Although you wouldn’t usually think twice about them, algae are, in a lot of ways, the cornerstone of life as we know it.

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– Abby Perehudoff, Clarissa Ngui, Brian Kahnamelli, Jong Jin Park

Technological Advance: Resistance May Be Futile

Are you one of those smart phone users who simply can’t be parted from your phone, or one of those wifi junkies who travel from hotspot to hotspot simply looking for your next fix? Well there may be good news for you, as scientists from Duke University School of Medicine have been working on a way to mind meld humans with technology. That’s right, just like the Borg, you too could become one with machine and share a single consciousness with all of your friends! Okay, well maybe not just yet, but they’re certainly making advances in that direction.

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We are the Borg. Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilated.

Courtesy of ragokin via Youtube

That’s right all you Trekkies, resistance may soon enough be futile, as researchers from Duke have successfully linked a pair of rat brains. Using arrays of microelectrodes, researchers attached the motor cortexes of the two rat brains. This allowed the two rats to transmit and receive tactile and motor information to and from each other at will.

In their experiment, both rats were trained to perform certain tasks based on certain stimulus. The rats were then put into separate testing areas and connected via this brain linkage – one was only given the stimulus and the other was put in the response area. The experimenters ran a number of different tests; from making one rat push certain levers based on what light another was shown, to making one rat believe that it had detected infrared light, when there was no light source present. The results were astounding to researchers, as in their first test, the rats achieved a 70% success rate, which was only just slightly less than the maximum 78% success rate that the researchers had deemed possible. Although the experiments were all different, the results were all significant, showing that the rats were consciously communicating. Furthermore, it appeared that the communication was not a one-way street, but instead that the rats were responding to one another. This was indicated by slight changes in the rats’ brain function and behavior – a behavior believed to be as a result of a mutual and concerted effort.

To put all doubt to rest as well as to test the bounds of the connection, the researchers separated the two rats completely – not just in different testing rooms or different buildings, but on two completely different continents. The rat receiving the stimulus was put in Natal, Brazil and the rat performing the actions was put in Durham, N.C., USA. The connection was established using an Internet connection. Miguel Pais-Vera, PhD, was amazed that even despite the distance and the lag associated with Internet connections, the rats were still able to complete the tasks while maintaining a significant level of success. He continued by saying that this research was promising and that in time “it could be possible the create a workable, network of animal brains distributed in many different locations.”


If not the Borg, it may be a bit closer to this.

Courtesy of Its me simon, via Flickr Creative Commons

– Brian Kahnamelli

Are You Afraid of The Dark?

Whether it’s insects, public speaking, physical harm, or heights, most people in this world are generally afraid of at least one thing. These fears can sometimes be minor, making us feel a little bit frightened while watching a scary movie, or walking home late at night, or they can be quite large, stopping us from doing certain things and forcing us to live extra cautiously.

However, there are a select few people who don’t feel fear the same way that normal people do. Individuals inflicted with Urbach-Weithe disease, a rare genetic disorder, experience a number of symptoms, most notably the hardening of certain brain tissues. Depending on what parts of the brain are affected by the disease, the symptoms can widely range, including epilepsy, mental retardation, and the inability to cry.

One specific case has procured the attention of a number of scientists and has played a role in directing their research. This case has been incredibly important in brain research, and appears to have addressed the root of human fear. A woman from Kentucky, U.S.A, who is known only as SM, who suffers from Urbach-Weithe is incapable of feeling fear. Her inability to feel fear is due to the effect of the disease on her amygdala, an almond shaped part of the brain, long believed to be the only reason for fear in humans.


Highlighted red is the Amygdala.

J Hizzle via Flickr Creative Commons

Even though it was believed for years that damage to the amgydala would render someone “fearless”, a new study coming out of the University of Iowa suggests that these past studies may have been too narrow, and that fear may in fact be controlled by other parts of the brain along with the amygdala. The study focused on comparing the fear responses of three people with amygdalas affected by Urbach-Weithe disease to the fear responses of twelve people with no history of amygdala disease or damage. All participants were exposed to a gas mixture, which consisted of 35% carbon dioxide, which is known to create a panicked response in experiments.

The results astounded researchers, and generally rocked the foundations of scientists view the fear response in the brain. All three of the participants with Urbach-Weithe disease had immediate and panicked responses; their heart rates all rose, they all became incredibly distressed and they tried to rip off their gas masks. Shockingly, only three of the healthy twelve individuals experienced such panic attacks.

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Ellen shows us how scaring people is done.

zsuzsu19 via Youtube

This study is incredibly exciting, because it shows that a fear response may not be controlled singularly by the amygdala, but instead may be controlled by many other parts of the brain. It also shows that we might be able to give a good scare to those deemed “fearless”.


A scary mask that some of you may recognize.

Bobbeyjazz via Flickr Creative Commons


Brian Kahnamelli


A Little bit of Science That’s the Bee’s Knees

The human knee is a delicate structure, and those who have played sports or done any activities that are high impact know it better than anyone. They’ve felt the pain during the activity, felt sore for weeks after, and have thought to themselves whether or not the activity was sustainable – whether it would be possible to enjoy it into their old age, or whether instead it would render them immobile for their later years. There is hope though, as a new surgical technique in the works has shown to significantly help with cartilage regeneration.


A model of a knee joint. Holly Anissa via Flickr.

The knee is one the most complex joints in the body, and is the meeting place of the femur, the tibia, and the fibula, and is composed of bone, muscle, ligament, tendon, and cartilage. It contains four ligaments (LCL, PCL, ACL, MCL), responsible for the stabilization of the knee joint, a number of tendons, and two large pieces of cartilage that are responsible for absorbing shock and bearing weight.

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I wonder if he’ll be able to do that again in twenty years?

Courtesy of Teebzguy via Youtube

The prognosis isn’t the best for athletes (both amateur and professional) that participate in a number of popular sports, the highest incidence of knee injury resulting from participation in Football, Skiing, Basketball, Rugby, and Soccer. Although very common injuries include the tearing of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and the Medial Collaterial ligament (MCL), cartilage damage is still a very large concern for both athletes as well as the medical community taking care of such injuries. Due to the strenuous forces associated with these high impact sports, over time, the two large pieces of cartilage in the knee wear down. For some athletes, if left untreated, these pieces of cartilage can wear down completely, until all that is left is bone. When this occurs, simple movements of the knee will result in excruciating pain, as the femur, tibia, and fibula all grind together.

There is good news though! A game changing technique coming out of Johns Hopkins University has proven to lead to significantly higher cartilage regeneration than previously used techniques. Current cartilage repair is undergone by drilling tiny micro holes into surrounding bone, in an attempt to allow the stem cells inside the bones to seep out and form into new cartilage. A study, headed by Blanka Sharma, shows that this old technique led to an average of 64% of the tissue being replaced. The new technique, however, employs the use of a hydrogel along with the drilling, and has shown to lead to an average of 86% of tissue regeneration. Jennifer Elisseeff, Ph.D, along with a number of her co-workers speculated that the old technique was ineffective because it lacked structure for the stem cells to grow on. After years of laboratory testing, the first trial proved a success, MRIs showing there to be no mal-effects associated with the hydrogel implants as well as the increased tissue regeneration.

The technique is still waiting for European approval, and for the time being has been taken over by an independent American company, Biomet. Jennifer Elisseeff, Ph.D has high hopes for the technique, stating that she hopes that “it will become a routine part of care and improve healing”.