Category Archives: Science in the News

A New Planetary Nebula Disovered by Hubble Space Telscope

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    Have you wondered what was the solar system was like in the very beginning. How does one get from a mixed ball of stardust to a giant planet with concentric structure such as inner and outer core and layered atmosphere?

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     Surprising, it turns out that a giant planet indeed has it own unique history. According to the nebular hypothesis, a planet originally is distilled from a rotating cloud of dust particles  and gases known as the solar nebula. These elements forming the gases and particles originally are byproducts of nuclear reactions within some other stars. Then they were scattered everywhere after cataclysmic explosions that  mark the death of stars. These essential elements in the cloud were hydrogen, helium, oxygen, silicon and carbon.

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     Evenutally the dust cloud began to rotate and contract. It did not shrink into a round ball as some early scientists expectm but into a disk. Gravity attracted the particles to one another, and clumps of these space matter began to form. Smaller particles merged to build clumps up to several meters in diameter, and these larger bodies in turn swept up finer particles within their orbital paths. Although much are known about these planetary nebula, the researches are still ongoing.


      On  October 11th, 2012, scientists discovered a planetary nebula in  the making. Among these numerous stars, planetary nebulae are probably one of the most fascinating objects to behold in the night sky. The names arises becuase most of these objects resembled a planet when they were first discovered through early telescopes. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope reported that the observed planetary nebula is Hen 3-1475. It glows brightly because of the radiation that arise from a hot compact core that reains after the outer envelope is ejected. These radiation is so powerful that they make the gossamer shells shine.

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         Several days after the initial discovery, scientists at Hubble Space Observatory reported that Hen 3-1475 is positioned i the constellation of Sagittarius roughly 18,000 light-years away from us. The central star is more than 12,000 times as bright as our sun. The most striking part about the nebula is its two S-shaped jets that emerge from the pole regions of the central star. Experts report that these jets are long outflows of gas particles moving at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second.

Hen 3-1475

Hen 3-1475. (Credit: ESA/NASA)

        The formation of these bipolar jets has left many space scientists searching for explanations for a long time. Many experts are still currently investigating the possiblities behind these observations. Although no clear evidences are found, some experts suggested that the unique shape of the planetary nebula is due to a central source that ejects streams of gas in opposite directions and these processes only occur once every couples of thousand years.  Modern researches is still ongoing and more updates will be provided as soon as any breaking news emerge.

More stories can be found at:

– Jing Xiang Yang

Let’s Facebook!

Have you blamed Facebook for distracting you from studying for an exam? When exam time comes many students prefer to study in the library hoping to focus better, but most of them actually end up on Facebook! As “harmful” as Facebook use may seem to young people, the psychology researcher Janelle Wohltmann shows that Facebook may have social and cognitive benefits to elderly people!

Facebook as weapon of mass distraction via Flickr creative commons

Wohltmann’s study involved three groups of 14 participants of age between 68 to 91. The participants have either never used Facebook or used it less than once a month.

(Group 1)

Wohltmann provided training on how to use Facebook to the older adults in the first group. Participants were asked to befriend each other on Facebook and post on the website at least once every day.

(Group 2)

The second group of participants were taught to use, an online diary site. Participants in this group were asked to post at least one entry per day containing no more than five sentences, which are the typical lengths of Facebook posts. However, unlike on Facebook, the diary entries were private and not shared with anyone.

(Group 3)

The third group of participants were told that they were on “waitlist” for Facebook training but the study subjects did not actually complete the training.

Elderly people on Facebook via Flickr creative commons

Prior to the actual experiment, the participants completed questionnaires and tests to measure their level of social connectivity and cognitive ability. At the end of the study, participants completed the same tests and the performance differences were measured and analyzed.

Study results show that participants in the group who learnt how to use Facebook performed approximately 25% better on the assessments than the other two groups, who did not really show much improvement. Hence Wohltmann concludes from her study that teaching older people to use Facebook could improve their cognitive functions and also make them feel more socially involved. A possible explanation to the cognitive benefit of Facebook is that on Facebook there is always new information coming in so people need to constantly shift their attention and re-focus. 

Although more research is needed to further confirm and expand on the results of Wohltmann’s study, Facebook seems to be a rather promising way to improve old people’s cognitive ability and make them feel more connected!

-Stella Meng

Sonic Booms

Many people are aware of the meteorite that recently crashed into Earth in Russia. With the availability of video recording hand-held devices, as well as, dash-cam cameras on cars, videos of the meteorite sweeping across the sky are everywhere on the web.  There are reports of over 1000 injuries, many of which was due to the after effects of the sonic boom that took place from this meteor travelling at 33,000 miles per hour.

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Youtube Username: RussiaToday

So what causes a sonic boom? A sonic boom is best understood by the waves/wakes made by forward movements in water. When a pebble is thrown into the water, small circular waves form and move away from the center, as seen in the figure below. A slow moving boat in the water, causes the same waves to form and move away in front and behind the boat.

If the boat travels faster than the movement of the waves, then a wake is formed from all of the concentric circles coming together.

Image from

When a meteorite travels through the air, it forms sound waves similar to the last illustration of the above diagrams. A sonic boom takes place when the object travelling through the air moves faster than the speed of sound, which is 700 miles per hour (approximately 47 times less than the speed of the meteorite). The sonic boom can be considered as the wake that forms from the sound waves since all of the waves that should be in front of the moving object are joined together behind the object causing the sound to occur after the passing of the object.

-Maral Altanbadralt

Praising the power of pee

A full bladder is full of surprises. It really is. You might think I’m referring to a child’s unexpected “accident” or the overwhelming number of bathroom breaks one would make after a night at the bar, but that’s not exactly what I’m talking about. What most people don’t realize is that there is actually more to urine than what meets the eye as that yellow, waste-filled liquid we excrete every, single day. While most of us think of it as merely something to get rid of, its involvement in a variety of uses proves that it is much more valuable than we think.

Hidden value lies within this urine sample.
By painassist via Flickr Creative Commons

Because urine is sterile, it is perfectly fine to drink. This method, more so known as urine therapy, is a popular Asian practice for good health as drinking the first stream of the day will not only boost your immunity, but will also cure ailments such as colds, the flu, and even hangovers due to the antibacterial characteristics of urea. This nitrogenous waste is a common component of urine that happens to be a good antiviral and antifungal agent.

Chemical structure of urea
By NEUROtiker via Wikimedia Commons

Furthermore, drinking urine is a good alternative when water is scarce since it satisfies the body’s need for fluid. In fact, following an earthquake in Egypt, a man was found in excellent condition after surviving off his own urine while trapped within the debris for three days. In addition, Native American tribes used fresh urine as an antiseptic, and mixed urine with mud to make a reliever for insect bites.

Have you ever wanted a tattoo under your parents’ objections? Well in reference to an old cultural practice, it turns out that all you have to do is mix some coal dust with some urine and voila! You have yourself some homemade tattoo ink. Similarly, stale urine was a key component of munitions. Urine was set aside for over a year to undergo fermentation, and the sediment formed was washed and mixed with ash. Once dry, the addition of sulfur and charcoal would produce your very own gun powder.

Still not convinced by the power of pee? Here is a short news clip by YouTube user CNCWorldChannel promoting the use of urine as an alternative for fossil fuels, therefore reducing the cost of energy.

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It turns out that approximately 300 mL of urine could supply a lamp with two hours worth of light energy! The power of urine is bound to awe you now, literally.

In conclusion, I obviously don’t urge you all to start drinking your urine or to tattoo yourselves with some homemade ink, but I hope you’ll realize that something like urine which is often perceived as waste, really isn’t waste at all. So upon the next time you urinate, perhaps it might be wise to think twice before you flush it down!

– Clarissa Ngui

Organic Foods: Worth the Hype?

Unfortunately there is no simple answer. Many consumers believe that if something is more expensive, the better it must be for you. This may not necessarily be the case when it comes to organic produce.

BC has emerged as a leader in organic farming in Canada. Over half of BC consumers are buying organic. A 2003 opinion survey showed that 53% of BC consumers purchase organic food at least occasionally. Consumers are willing to pay double for food with an organic label.

Canadian Organic Seal via Wikimedia Commons, author Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

In organic farming, farmers often use the phrase “Feed the soil, not the plant”. Produce by organic farming is grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.  Farmers create healthy soils by promoting biodiversity, growing a variety of crops instead of just one single crop. Biodiversity allows the soil time to rest and replenish nutrients. These methods allow for the reduction of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, prevention of soil erosion, improvement of soil fertility, protection of groundwater, and conserves energy.

One of the main differences between conventional farming and organic farming is the use of pesticides. Many people don’t realize that organic farmers spray their produce with non-synthetic chemical pest-killers. Many of these “natural” chemical killers can be toxic. Natural pesticides can be just as harmful as synthetic pesticides.

Organic products are not necessary better and more nutritional than products made by conventional farming. Both are actually equally likely to be contaminated by bacteria. A study done at the University of Minnesota looked at the presence of E.coli in organic and conventional farming produce. E.coli is a large group of bacteria that can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Deadly strains of E.coli can actually lead to kidney failure. Results of the study found that organic produce contained approximately six-fold greater concentrations of E.coli than conventional produce.

E. coli bacteria via Flickr, author NIAID_Flickr

Health Canada, United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency and France have stated that there is no evidence to support that there is greater safety or nutrients in organic produce.

Maybe you aren’t buying organic food for the “nutritional” value but for taste. food writer Josh Ozersky along with New York city chefs went out to see if there was a taste difference between organic and non-organic foods.

Josh Ozersky and New York chefs for went out to test conventional and organic eggs, carrots, and cheese.

Although buying organic may not be worth it, there may be some foods where it might be beneficial to buy organic. Apples and leafy greens such as lettuce are foods that contain one of the highest levels of pesticides. Eating berries in the winter means that these berries are shipped from warmer climates that may not have strict regulation of pesticide use. Meat and dairy is also recommended to buy organic. In conventional farming, more animals are concentrated meaning that there is a higher risk of disease and more antibiotics which eventually ends up in the food we eat.

Apples via Wikimedia Commons, author Scott Bauer.

Buying organic is a personal choice. It is all up to consumer’s preference.

Christine Wong

Can perfect pitch be learned or does one have to be born with this ‘gift’?

Popularly known as perfect pitch, absolute pitch is the ability to identify and reproduce musical notes without any external reference or guidance. Many geneticists today have hypothesized that this unique ability is found in people who have a certain set of rare ‘music genes’. However, this is not to say that only people with these genes can have the absolute pitch ability. Here is a video of a young boy calling out the notes as his brother plays them on the Piano:

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The ability to identify musical notes in a song is very much the same as the ability to identify different colours in a picture. This apparently simple task happens in your brain so naturally as if you are born with it. But, the fact is that you are born with the capacity to learn it and not the ability itself. If you weren’t exposed to early training in the task you would not be able to carry it out today. Perfect pitch ability is the exact same, you are born with the capacity to learn it, but if you do not practice and train early enough you will not be able to use it later.

Picture by Zupao. Source:

There is a vast ongoing research called the University of California Genetics of Absolute Pitch Study  which is led by Doctor Jane Gitschier. This study which is open to public, consists of two online components: a brief survey and a pitch-naming test through which people with absolute pitch ability will be identified. Those of whom pass the test will be asked to send a blood sample for futher genetic testing. Through this study, Dr. Gitschier and her colleagues  have found that many absolute pitch individuals started pitch-traning before the age of seven. This finding supports the fact that the perfect pitch ability can be learned if practice and training begins early in life. However, another interesting finding of this study magnifies the importance of the genetics component in development of this ability. That is, a person with a sibling who has the absolute pitch ability is 15 times more likely to acquire the ability as opposed to an individual who does not have any family background in absolute pitch. Here is a short video summarizing Dr. Gitschier’s study:

Additionally, a new article published by the Journal of Acoustic Society of America states that children speaking tonal languages such as Mandarin and Vietnamese are up to nine times higher chance of developing the absolute pitch ability. This is because in these languages there are words that have different meanings if spoken in different pitches. In Mandarin the word “ma” if spoken in a high pitch means mom, and if in a lower pitch means horse.

Picture by: Zokoy. Source:

All in all, Even though  One in every 10,000 Americans  have a genetic advantage and children with tonal mother languages have a slightly higher chance of learning this ability, you shouldn’t feel discouraged if you are not a part of either group. Many people today are learning the absolute pitch ability by taking the lessons early and practicing everyday.

Ashkan Nasr

Meat you in Heaven?

Anyone that knows me knows that I eat, sleep, and love vegetables. I have been a vegetarian for the last 3 years. People always tend to ask me why I do it? The truth is that you can reap a lot of benefits by being a vegetarian and people are becoming more aware of the health benefits of being a vegetarian. In fact, animal rights issues is only one of the reasons why people decide to go on a vegetarian diet. People are even becoming vegetarian because they are beginning to care more about the environment. However, the main reason why people go on a vegetarian diet is because of the health benefits.

All meat in general is not good for you as it has many negative effects on the body. This is especially true if you eat red meat, as it has much more fat compared to white meat. Excessive intake of fats into the body can result in having a high level of cholesterol.

A study done at Oxford of 44,500 people showed that people were 32% less likely to die or need hospital treatment as a result of heart disease. Now I’m no statistician but 32% is a huge number seeing, as heart disease is the number cause of death in North America. Heart disease is responsible for about 29,340 out of 100,000 deaths per year that’s almost 70,000 deaths per year in Canada alone. Not to mention that Canadian acute care hospitals handle almost three million hospitalizations due to heart disease and account for 17% of total hospitalizations per year.

Heart disease occurs when the heart’s own blood supply becomes blocked up by fatty deposits in the arteries that nourish the heart muscle. It can cause angina or even lead to a heart attack if the blood vessels become completely blocked.

Most heart attacks happen when a clot in the coronary artery blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart. A blockage that is not treated within a few hours causes the affected heart muscle to die.
Image: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Diseases and Conditions Index

Scientists at Oxford University analyzed data from 15,100 vegetarians and 29,400 people who ate meat and fish. Over the course of 11 years, 169 participants in the study died from heart disease and 1,066 needed hospitalization – and they were more likely to have been meat and fish eaters than vegetarians. The results also showed that vegetarians had lower blood pressure, lower levels of “bad” cholesterol and were more likely to be at a healthy weight. Moreover, vegetarians had a 32% lower risk of heart disease than non-vegetarians.

Now I’m not advocating that everyone eats a vegetarian diet. Vegetarians have a lower intake of saturated fats so it makes sense that there is a lower risk of heart weight. All I’m saying that incorporating more vegetables into your diet instead of meat and fish could ultimately save your life. 

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Ancient Earth’s Geochemistry Unveiled

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       Have you ever thought how Earth came to be as it is today? As far as scientists are concerned, Earth is very very very ancient.

From the time of its origin to present days, Earth has undergone continous modification. Continents have been flooded by vast seas. They also have ponderously drifted across the face of the globe and slowly collided with other landmasses to form lofty mountain ranges. Massive glaciers have buried vast tracts of forest and prairie.

Earth’s spectacular history deserves to be closely examined, for it permits us to see the future. We expect that many phenonmena of the past will happen again such as volcanic eruptions that caused great forests fires, unexpected earthquake that shook a whole city from peacful lives, and tsunami that washed and flooded a city of milions of people just to name a few

Radiometric dating data from various sampled rocks found on Earth and on other meteorites and planets pushed the history of the Earth as far back as roughly 4.56 billion Years ago. Earth formed around 4.54 billion (4.54×109) years ago by accretion from the solar nebula. Volcanic out gassing likely created the primordial atmosphere, but it contained almost no oxygen and would have been toxic to humans and most modern life. Much of the Earth was molten because of extreme volcanism and frequent collisions with other bodies.

Image of southwest Greenland. (Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, courtesy of NASA Visible Earth)



Scientists still have much to learn about the volcanism that shaped our archaic planet’s early history. Recently, new evidence from a team led by Frances Jenner of Carnegie Institution for Science demonstrates that some of the tectonic processes driving volcanic activity, such as those occurring today, has a history as early as 3.8 billion years ago. This groundbreaking work is published in Geology.

Upwelling of Earth’s mantle at mid-ocean ridges, as well as the eruption of new magmas on the seafloor, drive the continual tectonic activity of the oceanic crusts. As the oceanic crust drifts away from the mid-ocean ridges and cools it becomes denser than the underlying mantle. Over time the majority of this oceanic crust sinks back into the mantle, which can trigger more volcanic eruptions. This process is known scientifically as subduction and it takes places at plate boundaries.

Because volcanic eruptions that are triggered by subduction of oceanic crust are chemically different from those erupting at mid-ocean ridges and oceanic island chains, these differences between the chemistry of magmas generated at each of these tectonic environment provide “geochemical fingerprints” that can be used to try to identify the categories of tectonic activity dominated early in Earth’s history

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New fossil sites and trace fossils are being discovered all the time – in part because it is getting easier to access remote areas of the planets… Sometimes as a result of new exposures being made accessible below retreating ice at the pole or even your backyard would be a place for new fossils.

As new discoveries are being made everyday, scientists are prepared to accept new and changing ideas regarding the evolution of the Earth System including the dynamic classrooms of SCIE 300 and their directed studies.