Tag Archives: Controversial

Krokodil: A Drug That Literally Turns You Into A Zombie

Warning: there are graphic images in this blog post.

While drug usage and addiction has been a problem throughout history, drugs have not always been the easiest vice to access. This may be due to barriers such as strict drug control rules in countries or simply, the drug in question being extremely pricey. However, what if a drug that is relatively unknown and yet sold at lower prices relative to its counterparts suddenly emerged?

Enter Desomorphine, or more commonly known by it’s street name, Krokodil. Despite being around in Siberia since 2002, it only recently hit the shores of North America. This little known drug is an alternative to heroin and is derived from morphineSimilar to other hard drugs, it is highly addictive.


Gangrene is just one of the few deadly effects of Krokodil usage.

However, what sets Krokodil apart from the pack is its deadly effects. Research has found that injecting Krokodil could cause severe damage to the body. Liver and kidney damage as well as rotting gums and bone infection are common problems; with necrosis, gangrene and blood poisoning as icing on top of this very deadly cake. Continued injection of Krokodil could cause a problematic build-up of gangrene  which would lead to amputations or even, a loss of life. 

Of course, Krokodil would not be such a  big problem if it was harder to access compared to other hard drugs. Unfortunately, this is just the opposite. In a recent news site, it was reported that Krokodil prices in Russia go for as low as 5 euros; this, being 10 times lower than Heroin which gooes for aroound 50 euros. With this absurdly low price barriers, many drug addicts who are strapped for cash and need a quick and cheap high could turn to Krokodil as an alternative. It is important that the deadly effects of Krokodil be highlighted so that action can be taken to combat the usage of this drug and people can be educated about the severe risks that lie in its usage. 

A drug that gives a high similar to heroin but at a fraction of the price? To an addict this may sound like the ideal alternative but many fail to read the fine print; another price to pay for their high is to be slowly turned into a rotting pile of flesh. A zombie.

The video below helps to give insight on the lives of Krokodil addicts.

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Credit: Time on Youtube