Starting this weekend, the Comparative and International Education Society is meeting in Montreal. Huge conference, lots of interesting presentations all happening simultaneously.
Here’s my selection of presentations/panels that will talk about supplementary education and juku:
Sunday, May 1
• Session 56. 13:45-15:15h The swing of pendulum from equity to excellence in South Korean education
“The role of after school program in reducing the expenditure in shadow education” Haram Jeon, Pennsylvania State University, USA
• Session 57. 13:45-15:15h Tutoring and student achievement
“Comparing the impact of private tutoring in South Korea and the United States” Eun Jung Park, George Mason University, USA; David J. Armor, George Mason University, USA
“Determinants of supplementary tutoring in Japan, Korea, and the United States” Izumi Mori, Pennsylvania State University, USA
“Reward or award? Who gets the awards among Korean high school students?” BaekSan Yoo, Korea University
Monday, May 2
• Session 99. 8:30-10h Markets, shadows, and schools: The impact and implications of private tutoring in Asia
Chair: Mark Bray, University of Hong Kong
“The hidden privatization of public education in Cambodia: Quality and equity implications of private tutoring” William C Brehm, TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center – Boston College, USA; Iveta Silova, Lehigh University, USA
“The evolving shadow: Supplementary private tutoring in Hong Kong” Mark Bray, University of Hong Kong
“Tuition syndrome: Determinants of private tutoring in Malaysia” Husaina Kenayathulla, Indiana University, USA
Discussants: Julian Dierkes, University of British Columbia, Canada
Tuesday, May 3
• Session 324. 13:45-15:15h
“How does school quality inputs impact families’ decisions about after-school tutoring in Sri Lanka?” Rachel Cole, New York University, USA
Wednesday, May 4
• Session 416. 13:45-15:15h
“Private-sector innovation in primary and secondary education in Japan” Julian Dierkes, University of British Columbia, Canada
• Session 424. 13:45-15:15h
“Balancing CJK and English literacy objectives: A multi-method study of East Asian supplementary schools in the US” Jadong Kim, International Christian University, Japan; Mark William Langager, International Christian University, Japan; Hui Joki Xu, International Christian University, Japan