Category Archives: Student Wellness

Crisis Intervention and After Hours Support

What you will find here: The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis. Their services are accessible 24/7 either by online chat ( or by phone (see
| Crisis Centre

Bullying and Harassment Prevention

What you will find here: Bullying and harassment prevention is a priority at UBC and all bullying and harassment is unacceptable.The Bullying and Harassment Prevention at UBC site provides some more information for faculty, staff, and student employees.

Home Page | Bullying and Harassment Prevention at UBC

At UBC, we strive to provide a safe, respectful and productive work environment for our faculty, staff and student employees. The Respectful Environment Statement sets out the expectations of everyone who is a member of the UBC community in this regard.