Category Archives: Academics

Course Evaluation: MUSC 105

Just a reminder to everybody, course evaluations are due tomorrow night.  These are important, because your input will help make the course better in the future.  It’s always nice to know your opinion matters :)  Anyway, in the spirit of course evaluations, I am going to give an overview of my courses for anybody who might be taking those courses and stumble upon this in the future. Continue reading


Filed under Academics, School of Music


Okay, I think I’ve finally got ensembles figured out.

In terms of large ensemble, ie. symphony orchestra, the four harpists will share parts, but the other first year will get probably the majority of parts and the hardest ones, since she’s actually been playing the longest.  The orchestra won’t be having any harp in it until October, so I get a few weeks with free nights, which is nice.

For small ensemble, I’ll be doing harp duets with a third year harpist who has the same teacher as me.  (And in case I haven’t mentioned this, my harp teacher is SO NICE.)  This will work nicely, since we have group lessons every other week, so I won’t have to fit another rehearsal into my schedule somewhere.  I had kind of hoped to be in a string quartet sort of thing so I could meet some more people, but this is good too.


P.S. I discovered The Honor Roll – a great sushi place in the basement of the SUB.  You can get a California Roll for $3.50, and they take UBCCard, too!  Made my day.

Peace – Samantha.


Filed under Academics, School of Music

Audition Adventures

Today I had my audition for ensembles, and it was a bit of a gong show.

My audition was at 1:15, so I started packing up the harp to go down to the basement around 1:10, and just as I was going out the door, my harp teacher phoned saying we’re supposed to start in two minutes. I kind of panicked a little, but I wheeled the harp over to the elevator, which took about TEN FREAKING MINUTES to get there! Seriously! And then when it finally came, I was so relieved that I got off on the first floor it stopped at, and by the time I realized it was only the third floor, the doors had already closed. Then I had to wait some MORE. When I finally reached the basement, it was 1:25. Sigh. But I played, and it went as good as I really expected it to, and I’ll get the results at some point.

I don’t expect to get into the orchestra this year, as there are a few harpists at a higher year lever than me, but that’s okay.  A small ensemble will be assigned to me and that will be fine for now :)

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Filed under Academics, School of Music