Tag Archives: divisional

Performances This Week

I was just going to tweet about it, but I just couldn’t squeeze everything into 140 characters.


Tuesday, April 2, 7 pm: String Divisional Concert. (Roy Barnett Recital Hall)

Chamber groups in the string department will be performing; I’m tenth on the program, performing with my harp trio. We’ll be playing a medley of ballet music, and Great Fairy’s Fountain from The Legend of Zelda (arranged by yours truly!) I am so psyched to be allowed to play Zelda music for a school performance, and it is going to sound AMAZING in the hall! Come check it out!

Wednesday, April 3, 12 pm: Balinese Gamelan Concert. (Plaza/Recital Hall)

The student Gamelan Ensemble will be performing the pieces we’ve been learning all year, including a piece by a UBC student composer, and one by our teacher. It’s very different from music you’re used to hearing, and very interesting and full of energy! If it’s nice out, we’ll be playing on the plaza outside the Music Building, and if not we’ll be inside in the Roy Barnett Recital Hall. If it is outside, come drop by for a few minutes! It will be a treat!

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