Tag Archives: spring

Ah, spring is in the air!

I have to wonder if Vancouverites feel the same way, but to me this weather is just heavenly.  A week of sunshine after nasty grey rain, and temperatures ten degrees above zero, this is spring, and I am loving it!  Coming from Winnipeg, this is great.  Back home it’s still the middle of winter right now, and on the first day of spring in March it’s easy to get your hopes up, but.. it’s still pretty much winter.  The snow is usually not completely melted until the middle of April, so once I finish exams and head home in May I’ll arrive at just the right time for a hot and sunny prairie summer, just the way I like’em.

In the mean time, I don’t know if there’s anything as liberating as switching back to your lighter jacket from your winter one, wearing a skirt instead of jeans for once, wearing open shoes (if it’s too hard to tell, I really like wearing spring clothing).  There is something about spring mornings when you feel the sun on your face and breathe in the crisp air – it’s a little chilly, but not cold.  It’s uplifting. And magical.

I love spring!

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