This blog will be used for discussions in the course, as well as a place to publish your Inquiry e-folio posts if you wish (see the Assignments section in Course information for this option).
The Modules and discussion fora for each lesson are available from the top navigation menu. To get started, please consult the discussion schedule and how to contribute to this blog.
When ready, please post your First Day Introductions here.
A few words about participation
Developing an online community is based upon each and every member of the course incorporating this dimension as a natural part of their daily lives. It involves using our available spaces of communication to share perspectives and build understanding within an environment that respects diversity of scholarly opinion and a range of experiences with teaching and educational technology. As a member or citizen of an online learning community, your regular presence is vital for your learning and key to the success of the learning community.
Participation entails in-depth reading, being prepared and on time with contributions (not days in advance of nor past the due date), completing lesson activities, and working in collaboration with other course members to discuss the week’s content and software. There should be evidence of your regular presence and engagement with all course activities. We aim to have discussions characterized by professionalism, expertise, and scholarship.
Development of a learning community requires ongoing reflection on the role you play in building this community. To help promote reflection and empower you to participate fully, your online participation will be assessed by both the quality and quantity of your posts. The assessment will occur by your instructor and yourself (for more information, consult the Assignments section in Course information).
The calendar dates are designed to foster discussion that builds on previous discussions and signals when the next topic begins in the course. The majority of the dates suggested are “respond by” dates which means that posting should occur about 2 days prior to best facilitate reading and thoughtful responses by peers. Discussion in posts of interest are most welcome to continue beyond the response dates suggested.