It’s become clear, through comments, that most students don’t really know how Universities are funded, and how the financial aid process works. And since it currently ranks highest on our survey as an issue, we’re presenting this backgrounder. It’s wonky, but hopefully in plain English. 1) Government fundingThe government funds Universities in many ways. The […]

Survey Results

Posted by: | January 23, 2007 | Comments Off on Survey Results

As you may know, we did a survey of our readership. Stats are below the jump: Total responses: 43 Percentage planning to vote: 88.2% Are they AMS types? 27% said yes, while 9% said they pay attention and show up occasionally. 41% said they had a few friends involved, while 24% said they had no […]

Debate IV: VP External

Posted by: | January 22, 2007 | 54 Comments

Subtitle: Naylor vs. the World We observed a unique phenomenon at the debate today. Matt Naylor knows a lot, and brought a lot of ideas. As punishment, he had to deal with all the other candidates shooting for him, trying to criticize him and his ideas. They clearly see him as the front-runner. This corner […]

Ordinarily, we like to look at the races race-by-race, but the Presidential race is kinda unique, the most important and, in this year’s unique circumstance, the two candidates are largely incomparable. One is offering a largely philosophical vision, the other a practical one. It’s the former with which we’re concerning ourselves, initially. Look for the […]


Posted by: | January 22, 2007 | 16 Comments

This morning, Maxwell Maxwell and Jeff Friedrich had an excellent mini-debate on one of the posts below. It’s well worth reading, as it highlights the candidates’ distinctions, and provides some excellent discussion on the AMS. So we’ve reproduced it here. Maxwell Maxwell:To use a favourite word of mine, I think you misunderestimated my proposal. I […]

Issue of the Day: U-Pass

Posted by: | January 22, 2007 | 46 Comments

Image from Wikipedia So, as most readers know, we have a U-Pass. Students pay $22/month, and can’t opt out unless they live outside Translink. In return, we get a pass good for Transit all over the lower mainland. The fee used to be $20/month, but we voted overwhelmingly in favor of raising it by $2/month […]

Issue of the Day: Student Space

Posted by: | January 21, 2007 | 22 Comments

(If you haven’t filled out the survey, please check out the post below this one… we appreciate it!) Ironically (given the construction), student space is hard to come by on this campus. It generally exist in three forms: Space in University buildings. This includes faculty lounges, lobbies, study rooms, etc. Undergraduate Society spaces. Including MASS, […]

Issue of the Day: Campus Life

Posted by: | January 21, 2007 | 50 Comments

A lot of ink has been spilled about “apathy.” We believe that the way to address apathy is to run a (student) government that’s relevant and important to students, voter turnout and promotions be damned. One of the recurring themes involves student life. Comments on earlier posts have included: “Are there not enough people coming […]

Updates on Student Email Lists; Good news!

Posted by: | January 20, 2007 | Comments Off on Updates on Student Email Lists; Good news!

See below for an email from the University to Kevin Keystone, AMS President. It was sent yesterday at 5:34pm. The short version is that the University is agreeing in principle to allowing students to authorize the giving of their information to the AMS, so, by next year, the AMS may have contact info for its […]

I was going to spend a good chunk of today going through candidates’ platforms. But very few are up, and those that I have I’m not supposed to talk about yet. So I won’t. But there is one issue that we feel is kinda important, and probably worth considering. Which is that of AMS student […]

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