VP Admin Portfolio

Posted by: | January 11, 2007 | Comments Off on VP Admin Portfolio

This post was originally written by Tim Louman-Gardiner. Primary Responsibilities: Overseeing the maintenance, renovation of the SUB. If there’s something wrong with the building, or any other issues relating to AMS buildings, that’s it. Chairing the Impacts committee, which handles sustainability Planning the Student Leadership Conference Oversee SAC – Student Administrative Commission. SAC is responsible […]

This post was originally written by Gina Eom. AMS Council Meeting was productive today. This is the 3rd last meeting before turnover. What came forward as an addendum to the Agenda was a motion for the AMS to contribute 100 000$ a year for the next 10 years to expand the childcare program at UBC, […]


Posted by: | January 11, 2007 | Comments Off on Why VFM

This post was originally written by Gerald Deo. So, dear reader, you may be wondering why in [deity]’s name Gina Eom and Tim Louman-Gardiner are bothering with this here VFM project. First, they’re bored. Second, they happen to (perhaps naively) believe that AMS and UBC elections have a tremendous impact on student life, and that […]

Who are these people

Posted by: | January 10, 2007 | 4 Comments

This post was originally written by Gina Eom. This is a completely self-promoting post which hopefully no one will read. If you’re wondering who the heck we are, I suppose this will give you a better idea. Tim is a law student, but prior to this obtained a BA Hons in PoliSci (also at UBC). […]

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