BoG goes ahead with tunnel, utilities.
Posted by: Neal Yonson | May 25, 2007 | 2 Comments
Interestingly, since the above ground potion of the plan is being brought back to consultation and re-designed, the terminal itself may have to be re-engineered too, to carry the weight. Al Poettcker, the president of UBC properties trust, doesn’t seem to like this idea, since he continuously claims that only the “programming” of the buildings, not their location, can be changed. Perhaps he does not understand the level to which it is generally expected the plan will change following consultation: buildings could conceivably change their size, location, or be eliminated entirely.
The underground loop however, is coming. It won’t be approved until the above-ground plans are further solidified, in the fall.
Have a listen to Margaret Orlowski (of the anti- U-Blvd student petition) and Nancy Knight of the campus community and planning office face off with the CBC’s Rick Cluff on the Early Edition Wednesday:
2 Comments so far
mayaan, it’s a bit hard to listen to the clip. Perhaps it ‘s just my computer, but thanks for putting this up. Big Thanks to Margaret, who have done such a great job in lobbying! Margaret, you are our hero!
I could hear it on my computer fairly well. Props to Margaret, she did a great job.