Former AMS VP External to run BCCLA workshops
Posted by: Neal Yonson | November 17, 2009 | 3 Comments
We need to be able to acknowledge current political structures, like the government, and the law, and work within them for reform. Equally important however, is that we engage in an active critique of those structures, which should entail some forms of confrontation.
– Stefanie Ratjen speaks on civil liberties and the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
It has been confirmed that Stefanie Ratjen, former VP External of the AMS, has been hired by the BC Civil Liberties Association to run the Legal Observer training and Know Your Rights workshops at UBC, which are partially funded by the Student Legal Fund Society, which is in turn funded by student fees.
Is Stefanie a motivated, committed individual legitimately concerned about the impact of the Olympics? Yes.
Does Stefanie’s hiring destroy any pretense that existed about the BCCLA’s program being neutral and non-partisan? Yes.
3 Comments so far
It boggles my mind how a self-proclaimed Knollie is not only running a Legal Observer training session, but is also funded by OUR STUDENT FEES.
THIS IS ATROCIOUS! All part of the Knollie and radical left’s conspiracy to take over UBC.
Is the BCCLA suposed to be “neutral” and non-partisan?
Does Stefanie’s hiring destroy any pretense that existed about the BCCLA’s program being neutral and non-partisan? Yes.
way to just write that and not provide context… uhhh i hate hippies more than any of you (believe me) but even i wouldnt write a post and just be like LOL KNOLLTARD about shit. if you were really a civil libertarian, you would know that the far left and the socially liberal right often collaborate politically.