UBC Insiders is the leading internet-based, independent campus media source covering events, people and issues at UBC. Created by Tim Louman-Gardiner and Gina Eom in January 2007 as part of the AMS Voter Funded Media contest, Insiders remains the oldest non-institution media source on campus. UBC Insiders was re-launched with a focus on investigation in September 2009 with the current editorial team.

Neal Yonson (twitter, email) is a native of Ottawa. He graduated from the University of Toronto with an Hon.B.Sc. in 2006 and will be happy to tell you about how things seemed to work more smoothly there. After traveling across the country for free (protip: arrange grad school visits where they cover travel) he came to UBC to start a Ph.D. in chemistry. He was quite happy to avoid student issues until he found out how much it cost to go to the BirdCoop. Since then, he has been involved with a variety of advocacy projects.

Alex Lougheed (twitter, website, email) is a native Vancouverite, who graduated from french immersion with some AP credits to spare. He started in physics, but since moved his way to a major in mathematics, focusing on using math in other disciplines. He’s worked for SUS, the Senate and the AMS. He has over five years of university service, and has served on over forty university-related bodies. His interests are in digital technology, governance, openness, debate, and fun on campus.

Andrew Carne (twitter, email) originally hails from the Vancouver suburbs. He enrolled in Engineering at UBC in 2005 because it seemed like fun and interesting thing to do. Having decided that participating in student government is an integral part of the university experience, he decided to extend his degree by a year, and is currently finishing up his 5th and hopefully final year. His interests are primarily in campus development, planning and governance, although he is keen to investigate any issue that impacts students.
Maria Jogova Editor ’08-’09
Blake Frederick Editor ’08
Maayan Kreitzman Editor ’07-’09
Gerald Deo Editor, Webmaster ’07-’09
Gina Eom Editor ’07-’08
Tim Louman-Gardiner Editor ’07-’08