New wiki location, and a cry for help…

I’ve been playing at reestablishing wikis using our spankin’ new server we bought for our instance of CAREO, and set up a new location with the beginnings of a stylesheet. Still very much a work in progress, though I’m hopeful I can do things a little more rationally than with my first attempt.

All of the work mentioned in this posting is not ready for prime time, as even a cursory glance will attest. But hopefully a weblog posting doesn’t equate with a public launch.

About Brian

I am a Strategist and Discoordinator with UBC's Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. My main blogging space is Abject Learning, and I sporadically update a short bio with publications and presentations over there as well...
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4 Responses to New wiki location, and a cry for help…

  1. Scott Leslie says:

    Hey Brian, this looks great. I couldn’t help myself – when presented with a wiki page the temptation to hit the edit button is too great – and added a new page ‘UseLearningObjects’ but then found I didn’t have a lot of resources in that area. Which is maybe telling. It reminds me of a online exchange we had a while back on a LO presentation you did on campus – my comment then was to the effect that maybe what was needed was more material on the benefits to the instructor of LO produciton and use, and on *how* to actually do that, and looking at it now I would still identify this as a blank spot (not specific to you, just generally in the LO world; we still seem to be suffering a bit from the build it and they will use it syndrome).

    Anyways, hope this was o.k., and I promise I will keep looking (and maybe working on) materials on how and why to use LOs to add there. Cheers, Scott.

  2. Brian says:

    Scott: Thanks dude!

    I agree, there is a dead zone regarding LO use. (Not even considering the dead zone in my brain for forgetting to include it.) This will require some thinking and poking around…

  3. Alan says:

    “All of the work mentioned in this posting is not ready for prime time, as even a cursory glance will attest. But hopefully a weblog posting doesn

  4. Brian says:

    I’m not worried about the people who read this weblog — they know how sloppy and ill-formed my work can be…

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