I’ve added a couple of new features to the page, neither of which qualify as revolutionary, but both provide useful functionality and were so easy to implement that even I was able to do them…
The “in-flux” section on the sidebar is generated by pages I’ve added to my Furl account… For those of you unaware of it, Furl bills itself as an “online filing cabinet for useful webpages”. My own Furl use has been pretty patchy, though the ability to instantly add links to the weblog (and archiving them in a searchable online database) should steamline the process sufficiently to keep a steady flow of goodies rolling through the sidebar.
And I’m using my Bloglines account (which is gradually supplanting NetNewsWire Lite as my RSS Reader of choice) to manage my list of recommended weblogs… That’s correct — the most pathetically out-of-date blogroll on the planet has been refreshed.
Since I’m blathering on about myself anyway, I’ll point to some materials I’ve assembled for a couple of recent workshops that were hosted by the fabulous folks at UBC’s MAPLE Research Centre:
* You don’t get too many points for guessing what WikiOnWiki was about…
* BlogShop Maple is divided between a rapid overview of weblogs, a quick walk-through of Movable Type, and a review of RSS before setting the participants up with their own Bloglines account.
The workshops succeeded far beyond my expectations, though I can’t accept too much credit for that… the participants were amazing, and they seemed genuinely excited by the tools.
Hi Brian. I like the update on the site. I dance and sing your praises to see you publicizing furl and bloglines – they are my library and photocopier in my blogly researching.
Thanks for sharing your blogshop. I spent two hours at the end of February working with some of the teachers in my school division on blogs. Next time, I will simply point them towards your blogshop, and let them assume I am a genius! :^)
This is my personal homepage.