Vancouver got hit with what passes for a blizzard here (the rest of you Canadians can keep your snickering to yourselves) — only a few centimetres, but enough to wreak havoc with unpracticed drivers, and to remind me why Vancouver is the only Canadian city with a winter threshold low enough for me to tolerate. (Though if last year is any guide, Harry will love this.) It extended my morning commute by nearly an hour, as the bus couldn’t get traction up the hill to campus.
Which sends me back to my incessant, egocentric pathetic fallacy-making mode. If last week I was socked in by a mental foggy trip, today I find myself literally and figuratively snowed in, and spinning my wheels on a treacherous road. Firm deadlines for course design work, grading, a screencast, and mission critical grant proposals loom like Winnipeg snowbanks in January. All I can hope to do is keep digging, try to ignore the frostbite, and focus on that hot toddy waiting inside for me in about two weeks.
So the fortnightly forecast for Abject Learning is for light postings, with intermittent flurries in response to mental turbulence. I think the sun will shine sometime in mid-December, though that might just be typical Canadian winter-induced optimism.
Nice photo. I love the first couple of snow dumps every year…as long as I don’t need to drive anywhere.
ahh, but it only lasted for a few hours, eh, hopefully like your personal wheel spinning. What will it mean if we have an earthquake? a plague of locust? Get stuck in, Christmas is almost here (not sure if that was meant to inspire hope, panic or despair 😉