The EduGlu Turntablism, Mark II, originally uploaded by WFMU.
A short follow-up to my post yesterday on the WFMU Fundraising Marathon (which just may be the finest thing I have ever written)…
I am pleased to report that for a second year running I have won naming rights to a turntable in the WFMU studios (thus doing my part to promote CanCon).. I’ve always been a bit stunned at my luck in this respect, before the turntables I got the bragging rights to a microphone. I mean, one would think microphones and turntables would be the most sought-after items… or is that just me?
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You can hear D’Arcy Norman confuse the hell out of WFMU DJs Irwin Chusid and Bryce in this short audio clip. Thanks for pledging D’Arcy!
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Oh, did I mention that D’Arcy is ultra-hardcore?
w00t! and for the record, my note said “fracking” rather than what they suggested by filtering it out with “f-ing”.
Same diff for a BSG geek, right? And I thought we learned this season it was spelled “frakking” (or would that be “fraking”)…
it will always be fracking. with a fracking C.
Moore’s a fracking revisionist.
So you now have 2 turntables and a microphone? From what I hear, that’s where it’s at.
Oh… Beck — I mean, Clint — I suppose I walked into that one. I appreciate your close attentive reading and solid mathematical skills.
I hasten to add, these items were named one year at a time consecutively, not concurrently… but I’m a slow DJ, so that’s not really an issue.
That’s so crazy. What’s going on here. I love the way it all seems like an imagined dream.